pokemon world ((PART ONE))

blood line because he was mainly born with it as he got set and dashed forward vanishing in a blur while bamut appered back to back with the machamp and grinned dropping down and swipping the machamps calves making the machamp fall

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Dining Upon Friends

The act of family blood right, that makes the chosen human a part of the family. thoughts that have taken place in the human's mind would be over written.

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Fighting Spirit 3

But to put it short, we verricks are a secret family blood line that has been around since the very first encounters with pokemon. the powers we hold can only be true when we have a chosen companion which of course is a pokemon.

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High school demons

There was no family blood from which to draw power anymore. there was only what remained of them after languishing in a purgatory for over a thousand years. without a word, they descended on the school.

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Forest Friend 2 -- chapter 3

Perhaps it was the family blood, perhaps it was the lithe features common to all foxes, but dylan found it surprisingly easy in the dim glow--amber lamplight cast on one side, cool moonlight on the other--to imagine reed as that beautiful, nude vixen, tail

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A genetic abnormality in his families blood line had prevented any of the males in his family from sprouting antlers, even if they did they were small ones only an inch or two long.

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Bloodline - Chapter 1

"that's what separates us from the rest of the world," kesser, mieka's granfather said once, "while battle unites us an' feeds us an' allows us to purchase better waepons, our family blood unites us stronger than any other army known, an' so long as we fight

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TOKYO ZONE Episode 1 Rise of the Furry Fighters

"yeah, it's in my family blood line." tafu proudly replied to mai. "wow, you have athletes in your blood?" mai stupidly asked to tafu. "for the twentieth time, we don't have athletes in our blood mai, it's just in my genes."

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TOKYO ZONE Episode 1 Rise of the Furry Fighters

"yeah, it's in my family blood line." tafu proudly replied to mai. "wow, you have athletes in your blood?" mai stupidly asked to tafu. "for the twentieth time, we don't have athletes in our blood mai, it's just in my genes."

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Suddenly Becoming an Omega: an Omegaverse Story Part One

It will be okay, but you have to be careful not to let any male near you during this time other than family. blood relations are immune, why i am not fully sure. but this means you are able to get pregnant and safely have children."

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 70

With her entire family bleeding on the ground, perhaps even dying, how could she not go into hysterics? _daddy, oh gods, daddy, please wake up, i don't know what to do! you have to tell me what to do, please!

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Seekers Tale Part 34

She quickly interprets my look and continues, "i only meant that considering your mother was not a native born atlantian some members of her families blood line could have survived through the ages.

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