Alice Dippleblack in The Jellybane Ch6
The girls discuss the matter over a nice breakfast of fresh fruit and barbecued ant. they offer some ant to the pixies, though they are hesitant to try it.
Alice Dippleblack in The Jellybane Ch4
Twinkaleni pats her belly as a full alice examines the remaining ant head.
Black Ant Down
The ant watched the blurry shape inside the shell changing, the teenage body converted into an adult ant worker.
28 días antes
Eso te deja dos años antes del secuestro. ¿cómo le hiciste para estudiar una carrera de dos años y tener trabajo como un chef reconocido? --ah, bueno...--la pregunta pilló por sorpresa al brian. titubeo ante la respuesta--... tome un pce.
Ants and Aphids: Parasitoid
The authority of every ant.
Chimera Ant Gao
História fui criado pela rainha das chimera ant, uma formiga rara que come de tudo, dando origem à descendência de acordo com o que ela come, minha forma vem do cruzamento de formiga quimera, guepardos e dna humano, por issu tenho alguns detalhes sobre
Ant Pods 3
They'd all yet to indulge in the ant pods, but the anticipation was aphrodisiac.
And the Ants Go Marching On
On the screen was a trio of ants. there were other names for them of course--official names, complex names--but they were ants. each ant was the size of a middling horse, black as night, and impossibly strong.
Sweet Ass
(f tf hybrid; orchid mantis / woman / honeypot ant) there are two break points in this story- if you do not care about a storyline at all; the middle part is where the tf and sexins are.
Alice Dippleblack in The Jellybane Chapter 6
Now, how's about we get a fire going and have us some ant."
Alice Dippleblack in The Jellybane Chapter 4
The insides of the ant have become a thick mostly yellowish goop.
Abatwa -- Oasis
Yuna looked like a cross between a curvaceous woman and a red ant, no bigger than her padded hand.