Welcome to Mayhemodium
No money/service exchange here, it's all in the name of fun and pleasure~ ;3 cuckoo acres: a vast region of farmlands and plantations, large and wide lands that are perfect for farming and carrying 'livestock'.
Dead To Me
The cuckoo bird patted fran on the back, just like the previous time. "bleeaarrrgh!" at least it looked like she was only going to throw up three times this time. "there you go," cuckoon smiled. "good as new."
Sapient Genus Species
cuckoo - cuculanro - cuculidae dove / pidgeon - columbanro - columbine duck / goose / swan - anatidanro - anatidae eagle - aeetanro - aeetus falcon - falcanro - falconidae flamingo - flaminganro - phoenicopteridae hawk - accipitranro - accipitrinae
From the desk of the General. Mission 6.
Anar had finally gone cuckoo. we tiptoe down his corridor past reception and sure enough, there he is, in his jacket, coffee in hand. talking to the door.
The House on Rainbow Road - 12 - Mary
From every angle and in every tone, cuckoo clocks and grandfather clocks began tweeting and banging away, rattling the windows, resonating off of the walls, and even vibrating the pews on which the girls prayed upon.
Quoth the raven
"i took a trip to cloud cuckoo land and you guys decide to bring me back by stuffing me in a potentially hazardous egg?" all-star said as he adjusted his wings into a cloak. "if you guys are my friends i'd hate to meet my enemies."
They'll Ride Up With Wear
She had already bubbled out a hello and handed over a winter sales special leaflet and told the collie fellah where to find books about building cuckoo clocks. i kinda felt like a cuckoo clock some days. _hello!-hello!-hello!-hello!
Classic Drunk College Dorm Sex Story
"oh man, i guess it could've turned out okay if cuckoo hadn't put on some porn on the television," he grumbled.
The Wolf at the Door
#4 of matters of the hart matters of the hart 2022 by zorha as their cuckoo clock announced the witching hour, the elderly woman shook her head from the sordid story that her adoptive granddaughter just told her.
Dreamy Waterfall
Everyone knows how each story goes. Once upon a time: Love is a weakness. Once upon a time: True loves kiss will break any curse. Once upon a time: Love is the most powerful magic. Once upon a time: All magic comes with a price. Once upon a time:...
Gargoyles: The Sexy Tutor
As for how they started reading _one flew over the cuckoo's nest_, well, elisa hadn't read it herself since her highschool days.
Crash and Verona: Coco's Inside Story
"cuckoo! cuckoo! cuckoo!"