ancestor's folly
Here we have marcus a clumsy roo with quite the temper problem not sure what else to say hope you like the story tirom ancestor's folly "come on, you can't deny that i'm right!" the short tempered kangaroo shouted to everyone else on the bus.
Sanderson's Folly
#1 of stories **sanderson's folly** staring gallows story by talonsaurn, all characters © by talonsaurn gallows had made dinner reservations for the train this wonderful may evening, the fresh smell was in the air, he had invited his dinner in the normal
Thief's Folly
"There!" A voice shouted, as a Liepard dashed down a Mystery Dungeon's corridor, panting loudly. An old explorer's bag with a rusty badge beat at his side as he rushed through the dungeon, and a tuft of hair on his head bobbed a little as he...
Phox & Folly
A small scene of a delphox catching an arrogant nickit~ phox & folly contents: pokemon, mystery dungeon, delphox, nickit, milf, anal, ruined orgasm, dominance, femdom, paralysis, turnabout, threats of bodily harm, bounty hunting, collaring she lay back,
A Genie's Folly
**a genie's folly** _by: dragonien_ "any three wishes i want?" came the little green kobold's timid question. "any three that you wish, within certain common-sense restrictions. i'm a genie, not a god.
Thief's Folly
The forest was dark save for a campfire off the beaten path. Robin crept up to the light in silence, careful to be downwind of his target. He peered through the thick foliage surrounding the clearing and perceived the set before him. Huddled around its...
Fables & Follies
**The Lion & The Boar** Two beasts arrive to drink at summer's height, The boar and lion find a flowing stream, But then they clash with brutal words and fight To be the first to drink and reign supreme. But vultures perch within a nearby...
Fallon's Folly
Psycofrog pondwater and used with permission fallon's folly by dukeskunk gently fallon's dreams parted before the the sounds of simian and garfield like the waves of the ocean splitting before the prow of a ship.
A Druid's Folly
Alanea sat on her bed, head down. Andereon had been gone for six days, and she was alone. There was no better chance than now to escape. But in truth, every time the thought crossed her mind, an increasing amount of terror welled up in her being. Even...
Moral Folly
Moral folly by miriam curzon originally published in: _fang 6__._ edited by ashe valisca. bad dog books, 2015. [paperback](
The Sea of Beige
It is told almost as the folly of eden except that it shall be true.
Aatuylvan Anthem
Warrior's call, wiseman's folly, the shades of hell have come. to arms, to arms if you'd keep your soul, the war is never-ending!