Persona 3: A New Empress [Story]
During their incursions into tartarus, sees begins to come across copies of the powerful arcana shadows they'd slain in the past - seemingly having been resurrected.
Bani Lore Kit Redfield!
Officers cap, and his thigh high black boots, build: slender frame, large hips, bit of a butt, loves: chinese food, apple soda, collecting things such as toys and cards, facts:is the first bani born, he has a few incubi powers, leads most of the incursions
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 53: Worlds Beyond My World
"i know the high master has become very frustrated at the knight core's lack of success against the klis incursion." "that is putting it lightly." my she beast said rubbing her behind.
Snakeskin Redux 7
"you weren't there when his first incursion happened!" hansen practically shouted, causing the others to recoil slightly.
Filling His Rubber Paws (4/10)
Sure it might cause a bit of a general panic, but so would an incursion that came from the inside of the realm itself.
The Taker Gets Taken - The Real Research Hypothesis
With the tightened protocols we shouldn't see any more incursions, and so far it appears that there are no more breaches when it comes to the bal'kar.
The Fairy's Tale (Heat 15 preview)
I made the proper obeisances and sought her permission for such a bold incursion into the land of mortal men. yet before i had finished telling her my plan, i knew that she would permit me to enact it.
Embertooth - Chapter 6: Survival
It seemed that his father had carried out one last incursion to the lands of the barkinclouds, even joining the skirmish that had taken place.
Daemon Possessor
(english translation: we exorcise you, every impure spirit every satanic power, every incursion of the infernal adversary, every legi...). the demon appears behind him and says calmly, "that tingles."
Weapon - Delayed
North korea was on a razors edge, since their southern neighbour had joined they had been told that, under no circumstances would any incursions like those in the past, be tolerated and that any actions against our country would be met with stiff reprisals
Captain Nal and the Lucky Smile - Chapter 2
"well, what i mean to say is that the rumors around town for the past week have been that the empire has suffered an in incursion, by the scarlet reaches."
The Mythical Incursion 9 - Only the Best
#9 of the mythical incursion janet had been chained to the urinal for hours. more than a few mammals used her already, not caring for her protests. a few dared to force her mouth open so they could fuck her or urinate inside it.