Dark Lord Substitute 25
Tags: no sex, ai, ram, hyena, dumb ideas, sci-fi, series, mind control, script,
Oh, If My Soul...
_ It is late evening, and a single man sits on by the shore. Nearby, an English harbor can be seen. Off in the distance still, a small town is visible, faint lights starting to go on with the coming of nighttime. The seagulls' cries can be heard as...
The Explanation to Everything
This is the story that I wrote. Not lovelydragoness. Me. In fact this is what gave Lovely his inspiration to write his stories. Now I kinda regret letting him read it. But being best friends and all I usually trust him. Yes it's long, no I don't care...
Carrot Cake
This is an attempt at a script style. it's just an experiment but i figured i'd try something different for once. feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Darkness Rising Script
#2 of miss nightfang's school for wayward youths - side stories as mentioned, this is the script that i created for the comic and what red dragon worked from.
A Movie Script Ending
#6 of highschool sucked part 6: a movie script ending the end of may was fast approaching and our time as highschool students was drawing to a close.
Who Needs A Script?
The director doesn't much seem to care if the actors follow a script, and before long, rei is too busy pleasuring both females to worry about remembering his lines.
Untitled Beastars Script
This is a storyboard script. some bloodshed, but no vore. implied sex...in the dark. (!!)
Mental Compliance Script
"welcome to the introduction for seamless mental scripting! we are going to be covering mental compliance and what sms means for you! your new hardware allows you to run mental scripts. scripts can dictate speech, action, and even thought!
Then Den: Episode One
Here is the final script i wrote for a radio play project i am working on with a group call the the third paw troupe. hopefully it will come to fruition and you can hear the story yourself some day.
QCP: NS-05 Sundered Hearts
"'arold 'as been trying to get a script through the union based scripting department.
Doubt Me, Forget Me (Teaser)
Document.currentscript:function(){for(var t=document.getelementsbytagname("script"),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getattribute("data-cfhash"))return t[e]}();if(t&&t.previoussibling){var e,r,n,i,c=t.previoussibling,a=c.getattribute("data-cfemail");if(a){for(e="",