Dorm Party
Sitting and laying around the TV, we're watching a hilariously bad comedy movie, for the most part keeping it on low volume and conversion among each other....
The Slumber Party
"well, i hope the two of you have fun, and i promise not to tell anyone about the little party," he replied, giving her a playful wink. the vixen opened her mouth to reply, when stephie called out to her from upstairs.
The Party(Revised)
The party the day had finally come. seth had been looking forward to this party ever since that lioness in his college psychology class had asked him to come.
Anyways, we had been planning to go to this huge party for like 2 weeks. everyone we knew was gonna be there and we were both totally ecstatic over it.
Party Relations
party relations by gideon kalve jarvis "'nother round, barkeep," said aldus, his voice already slurring. "we'sh mighty adventurersh, and we'sh finally made it big. i'm shelebratin'."
Party Night
party night it was completely dark in the room... the lights were out. the young wolfess named kayla was nervous... she stood there, entirely nude except for a red collar in the dark.
Dragon's Party
The host of the party said as he came out to great me. "of course." i laughed as i followed the crowd back inside. the party was teaming with a tone of people, all sort where there, wolves, a few foxes, other dragons like my self, and more.
A Party for Hunter
A party for hunter by: jenny harlow tim walked in from work exhausted, setting his ratty blue backpack down on the floor with a loud sigh.
The Blindfold Party
A young gazelle learns the rules of a blindfold party, and explores the world of casual sex with anonymous men and women. "bobby, are you listening to me?" the nervous gazelle's attention snapped back to his older brother, don.
Party problems
Claws dug into the jeans, the reptile moving quickly so none of the other party goers could catch sight of him as he moved.
A Housemelting Party
Their real apartment warming party was a week before, but there's one gift left behind, and the pair decide to split it: a bottle of what appears to be simple champagne.
Beach Party
Frank is jay is eric is **beach party** frank stepped into the hotel room, door lightly bumping against a stopper.