Show Me What You Got
It was a black hole. a very loud black hole. icefyre's eyes opened as she grew and grew and grew, muscular and huge, faster and faster the closer she drifted to the sonic pulsing beats of the black hole.
Chakat Thornbrier & AP&R History
Five years later a passing military ship received a signal from what looked like a black hole, but as the ship approached the black hole vanished to reveal a star system within.
The Cost of True Peace 1
Then, there was a flash; the black hole, along with sin, vanished completely.
Enochian: Book 1, Chapter 13
"i bet you can guess what size of black hole you closed in lunis.
Three black holes of similar size orbit each other in a problem that still eluded the brightest minds. stars and planets fell victim to the three bodies as they crashed and broke apart in the accretion disk before either falling into the black hole.
Episode 6 - Zip Lightning and the Impossible Escape
"it's a black hole." he gasped, holding his cheek where the fox cub had slapped him and looking back at the boy. "a black hole at the center of this moon." "that's impossible!" tobias exclaimed.
The Naked Singularity
"one day, all the matter in the universe will be inside black holes, then the black holes are going to hawking-radiate away. from then on, the future will be the same as when the last hole vanished."
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 21
He wondered if he would feel any pain as he suffocated and froze while the gravity of the black hole pulled him inside it. he wondered what would become of his body since no one had ever gone into a black hole and returned to tell the story.
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 22
He wondered if he would feel any pain as he suffocated and froze while the gravity of the black hole pulled him inside it. he wondered what would become of his body since no one had ever gone into a black hole and returned to tell the story.
Hot Air Balloon Act 2
The black hole playfully growled, recalling the previous recorded session they had.
The Universal Tournament Part 2
They were still being pulled into the black hole. "the thrusters are at maximum." "we are still heading towards the singularity," steggs said, clicking away that the computer.
Short Stories: Why Exist? Part 5 - Chapter 2
Each of them made an ever shifting circle and as time went by i was at first barely able to see any activity inside these circles of black holes and stars.