What Pride Has Wrought

The old bloodhound had been weakened considerably after his trying time in forceful servitude to the aparoids. and as such, retired from his duties, confident that peppy (his old friend), would be a more than suitable replacement.

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In Midnight Clad Chapter 1: A Lone Traveler

This man had suddenly crashed into her life, rescued her from her forced servitude, and now offered her a way out of this place and to a better one. and she knew not even his name or face! "i...i..." she could not say what she wanted to.

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The Dragon's Boytoy Knight - Ch06

A peace that had been enforced with iron and steel, with collars and walls, with death, enslavement, forced servitude, and conformity to the rule and laws of those who cared nothing for the subjects under them save for what those who served could provide and

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A not so Pleasurable Island

The farmhand explained, a handsome man the farmhand was working there as a voluntary worker rather than erin's forced servitude. the older man set his hand on a wooden door, "this leads to the donkey's quarters, we call it the ass hole."

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You either help me, or your friend and her pokemon "my friends included- will never wake up, remaining in forced servitude forever." millete stopped crying. her jaw dropped a little. "what? you never said anything about a sacrifice!"

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Chapter 16: The Tempest and The Reckoning

I'll not own account to actions committed during my forced servitude to galbatorix." turning back to face the glowing orbs, murtagh added, his reply crestfallen, yet defiant and contemptible before his accuser.

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46- The Muscle That Matters Most

"she was probably a slave somewhere, until she bulked up enough that she fought her way outta forced servitude."

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Liberty and Property

Linbau, despite the terminology of forced servitude, all of the relationships you have looked at are voluntary, and without coersion, correct?" "yes, that is correct." "no more questions."

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Tia's trials: pt 2 (Collaboration)

The problem was the part of hir that just wanted a normal life since spending hir life in forced servitude, and excepting hir freedom to make the right choices.

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Recaptured -6- Thanked

"i'm talking about putting an end to the system of nonconsensual servitude and the imprisonment in the oasis, to allow non-feline species to rise to the ranks of citizenship, to combine the strength of the slave guards with the oasis guards to make the entire

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The Merchant's Slave pt4

Twisting, spinning, dancing, moaning- all of it reminded her of the castle and her forced servitude, but no longer did it hold the tang of slavery to it. no longer did the motions feel forced, or did she stress for perfection.

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