Trial of Destiny
- your honors, prosecutor gilpin, the reason for this current predicament is quite simple: while we were returning back to the plant after a routine extraction, our craft was attacked by a gang of space pirates.
A Metroid on the Brain 5 - The End of Zebes
He soon retreated to a corner, trying to catch his breath as he could only stare at the epic battle between human and space pirate dragon thing.
Heartbeats on Zebes
Some of the space pirates have done things to the metroids, and end up either dead or punished severely.
Tails of the Stars 1 - An Anomaly of Some Scale
Maybe the space pirates threw me out into space."
A Metroid on the Brain 3 - The Rape of the Raptor
Why was he trapped in a space pirate's ship, to become the fatal victim of their most cruel and heartless captain, a monster in his own right?
All Aflame
He, for one, had never battled space pirates. and he didn't really want to. "they're ... " spark!
His New Pterodactyl
Horny-annoyed leon decides that he is sick of dealing with ridley in metroid games, and decides to get the space pirate as his personal bitch.
Exit Strategy
I'm a space pirate, aren't i?" her sturdy, soft-furred rudder-tail hung behind her, brushing the floor. her body was pleasing to the eye. her fur a rich brown. her gait being one of confidence.
And I Must Scream
"what, the space pirates, you mean?" she did not. "uh, yeah," fran cleared her throat, "the space pirates." for a moment, the jackal asked herself how weird it would be for her when jackie would die. would fran have to clean her?
Space Warrior Hitachi 2 - The Quest for More Money
Yep, it's me again, the noble and fierce space pirate hitachi. the most charming tiger that's ever plundered the cosmos. or something. good thing that i get to write my own biography, eh?
Episode 3 - Zip Lightning and the Vulcoon Castaway
When last we left our virile vulpine, he was caught in the hypnotic clutches of the evil space pirate king alucard. trapped in a prison cell with nothing but his wits and his bare fur, he must make a daring escape before it's too late!
The Dark Nebula One
As they approached the far side of the planet they could all see the huddle of space-pirate ships floating above the planet.