The Lake

There was a large shed by the lake that held a number of canoes and life jackets. there were a bunch of furs pulling canoes into the lake already. "that looks like a good one," jake said as he pointed to one of the last few canoes in the shed.

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Loch - Meet the Weredog Character

The shifty looking weasel that loaned you the canoe had been clear. just like you'd been told, loch doesn't take any chances.

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The Raccoons: A Camping We Will Go!

"deal" bert and ralph headed out, with fishing poles and gear in paw, they shoved their canoe out to beaver dam lake, ready to spend some time in the great outdoors.

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Scout Camp

Hold still and i'll just add your canoeing badge," she said, and then- # kit was suddenly awake, deep breaths, just as sunrise began to creep through the window. ooh. strange dream.

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Seaside Paradise

She tugged him along to the dock where her canoe was tied to an end post. del eagerly hopped in and offered ross a seat. "you planned this out." he noticed a bag in the canoe with some supplies.

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Quetza's Quest: Chapter 2 and 3

He grabbed the sides of the canoe, gun in lap, and leaned as dora fired her laser eyes once more. quetza barely dodged the blast, water flying everywhere.

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Russian It? Chapter 14

Colleen kicked a cano-mutant in the crotch. exile punched a ninja dog in the face. shag almost suffocated a bulldog and a cano-mutant with his bear hug. blitz tried to run away and scream like a little girl, but failed miserably.

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Ready, Aim, Fire!- chapter 2

I follow him, with the two canos right at my heels. when all the paperwork is done, i shake the man's hand and thank him. he nods and pats my shoulder. "just make sure to take good care of them!"

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A New Brother- Part 7.5

Davy hold my canoe. and this." he gave his lifejacket to david, knowing it would only be a hindrance in the water. "got it." getting out of his canoe, andy jumped into the cold water and swam towards tommy.

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Road Rovers: Captive and Bared (Prologue)

The two cano-mutants were laughing as they stopped outside of a heavy iron door of the cell they were instructed to imprison the rovers. both of them eagerly wanting to get on with their next order.

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Denzien - Level 1: Into Hell

The front of my canoe was a spinal column that was capped with some sort of canine skull that i could have sworn was watching me. the "seats" of the canoe appeared to be down-turned rib cages still speckled with flesh and meat.

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