Tora- The Adventure Begins
Hey look, a cubone!" the trio halted as they came across a lone cubone walking around. "i didn't know that there were any cubone around here." it was true; cubone aren't usually found in forests.
Marrow and Charcoal (Part 2)
#5 of pokeporn the second part of the story about marrow the cubone and charcoal the typhlosion. "no. please." the cubone tried to bargain. "you're a little tight, boy; but if you'd rather me go in and tear you a new one..."
Rebirth ch32
'i guess it'd be a good idea to check up on trisha and that baby cubone.'
Sands of the West Chapter 1: Stranded
I could give you some string or something if that'd help," the cubone offered. luke looked back to the cubone and smiled. "that would be most appreciated. thank you."
Tora- More Than A Badge
The cubone almost rolled his eyes. "danger? my presence alone is the only dangerous thing in here!"
Remember the Oath 15 - M@~#;'=
"cubone, cu-cubone!" "i know i know i have it, just...lemme read it...some sorta study about pokemon neurology." they began to read it together, the haunter reading it aloud in everyone's mind in order to keep everyone up to speed.
Felicia's Fancy 01 To the Victor goes the Spoils
cubone, marowak, and gligar walked over to her next. cubone and marowak both had reached down and were stroking their "bone clubs" as they got closer.
Tora- One Step Forward
The cubone growled in irritation. he had never met anyone so scared of anything in his life.
Remember the Oath 12 - Skate and Take
"cubone! cu-cu-bone cu cubone!" "ohhhhhh...yer lookin' fer someone aintcha?" james blinked rather surprisingly. " do you know that?"
Give A Doggie A Bone
* * * "i still can't believe i didn't know you were a cubone in poketara." i said aloud, closing my omnivice journal and looking back at the rather beautiful herm cubone standing in my restroom.
Chapter 2: My group gets bigger, and we have our first gym battle.
I grinned then winced as the cubone's bonemarang hit him in the back of the head and sent him flying into the wall. he slowly got up but blinked when he saw the cubone running around being attacked by pidgey.
Grand Delusions
In fact, he was so deep that when his cubone mistress finally grabbed him from behind and started squeezing and massaging his breasts playfully, he didn't see hir.