Book of Particles: Silver Stream Memory 6
This typically happened as we had similar tastes sometimes on pleasure of food, fatness, and belly rubs. i was laying down my penis sliding back as it stiffened out and i moved back again and it slight right into the belly button of the throne.
You keep doing it, sitting, laying, sitting, laying, squeezing your cub fatness against your over pressured bladder.
Even his ears looked fatted, beginning to sag somewhat under the pressure of the fat on the back of kaji's head pushing them forward, as the draolf continued his relentless growth into levels of fatness normally reserved for the grey hybrid who was sitting
You Were Warned - Part Two - There is a Hell, and it is Osjhulglot
The pulsing lurid stretching of henry's innards made smooth the curve and bulge of his organs as they were pressed aside by the fatness of sh'gloth's cocks.
Fat Pool Fun
I couldn't stop staring at him. He's just so cute. Right now, we're playing pool in his parent's garage. When his turn is done, I take my cue and aim for the striped ball in the corner. It's a little trouble for me since my 400 pound belly presses...
Fat Raccoon Poem
Fat raccoon poem A new day begins and I start to train A big fat round ton, is what I wish to gain the stripes on my shirt, they make me look round but soon I'll be sitting for-ever on the ground I'm just a pup now, but I want to be big as I...
Fat Fox Poem
Fat Fox Poem Awaking again with a stretch and a yawn I start to notice just how fat I have grown My belly, it bulges, I were it with pride even though I'm beginning to outgrow my hide I wash my soft fur with water so cool thinking of...
Fat Moose #2
Fat Moose and the Slutnski twins... "Dude... that wuz like... great!" Pavel exclaimed as he ran up to his brother, giving him that uniquely jock rump pat thing. The sight almost making the big handsome Moose drool all over...
Fat Moose #1
Fat Moose and the Zebra The short powerfully built moose smiled, as he wandered through the frat party. Silently listening to all the conversations, as he sipped his beer. He just loved these jock frat parties... plenty of hot young beef to...
Fat Fucking Bunnies
It's fat bunny week on FA so here is my contribution to the field. Inspired by Beach Fox's picture here I wrote this in less than an hour and was inspired all the way through. I am now fnishing off the...
Fat Moose #4
"why... you're already here... and fats tv is better!" danny the buff snorted. "and he's got plenty of cold beer... that's not three bucks a bottle!" kirk grunted guzzling a tallboy down then belching.
Fat Moose #3
As sam staggered in and made his way to fats big bed, guided by the tawny butt that seemed to almost gleam in the weak light. the handsome young cougar climbed up onto the bed; between those wide spread legs.