Death's Rejected Child - Intro
I'll be but a moment to fetch it._ _what's that? nothing to drink, eh? i see. say, you sure look mighty familiar, friend. i may not remember names so well anymore, but i never forget a face. have you been here before?
Roth Tales 10-1 What Goes Around Comes Around
What if i want you to go fetch the paper eh? what then?" "i'd tell you to fetch it yourself." he giggled, panting a little from the adult's fingers sliding up his backside and over his sensitive pucker skin.
Camping with Papaorc
" i'm glad you do pupper, c'mon now, time to show the other daddies that nice collar i got you, oh and there's also this bone so that you can play fetch while papaorc takes his pupper out for a walk. " " bork bork !!
Otter's Daily Life- The Secret Ingredient
Asked kaya, fetching her purse. "give fawks a blind taste test as to what is yours and what is mine?" suggested austin, fetching his wallet. "that's delightfully crude. i love it." grinned kaya, leaving money for her food and a tip.
Agent's New Equipment
"fetch drink. you are a bear toy." "fetch drink. you are a bear toy..." when the hamster finally returned with beer in hand, he was softly muttering the mantra his augment was working to burn into his head. "i am a bear toy. i am a bear toy."
Marasian Morning - For Starling
With a pleased nod she skips excitedly to the back room to fetch her latest eye catching creations. hypnotically provocative garments of every shape and color emerge in the early light. shimmering and dancing beneath luminous rays.
He lived for being and played with, and doggy treats and playing fetch! he hoped he would get to do that a lot today! _"good doggie! everyone loves a lillipup, and you love it when everyone pets you.
Mitchell & Michael, Chapter 8 - Duties for the Day
He'd seen daniel doing it when he'd fetched things for mitchell during the dungeon session last night. mitchell smiled down at him. "you are learning quick, aren't you?"
Unexpected Filly Sitter
I set the tv to show the menu of the hard drive and left them to sort through the myriad of titles while i fetched plates and drinks for us.
Syngeneia Kathairein part 36
Let's fetch some of these power gems, they'll help us out here.'' \> you say "sure, i suppose the nature and light pair will do? " themis nods, "i'll fetch them". she walks over to the door and opens it.
An Unexpected Treasure
_oh yes, little'll fetch me more money than i could ever need._
Appointment 4
fetching myself an ice cold bottle of water from mini fridge and relaxed for a while. twenty minutes later the front desk phone began ringing forcing me to get up. grabbing the cordless phone off its base then placed it to my ear and said hello.