
Whatever did bring 'third earth' in to existence doesn't change the fact that mankind can now breed with any of the other sentient races on this world, the genetic make-up is just similar enough internally to 'homo sapiens' for such a thing to happen.

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Shadowrun: The Changeling Escort Service, chapter 1

But daniel howling coyote turned everything upside down and led mankind into a new era of magic and supersitition in this new age of aquarius. but still we persevere.

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Were we mankind's friends? or their enemies? did we extend civilization out into the stars together? or did we stand on opposite sides of a conflict only they remember? the exo have no mercy for the weak.

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Monster Mankind Chapter 1

#1 of monster mankind a little series i am planning to keep my hands busy. a state where monsters can live their lives like humans in a world where humans no longer exist. update: current chapters are undergoing a possible rewrite.

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Monster Mankind Chapter 4

#4 of monster mankind john looked into the park, the massive tree of ethereal charm sheltering the people below it as other trees surrounding the grandest of the bunch. but now, on the very floor of the park, the trees were taller than he expected.

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Monster Mankind Chapter 3

#3 of monster mankind john felt himself painfully return to reality. his brain wasn't as blinded by his agonizing trauma. it's only been a week and already he is repeating the experience he just had the week prior.

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Monster Mankind Chapter 5

Since mankind isn't around, we had to increase the dosage amount per tablet to mimic effects for monsters so the ignorant don't get suspicious." "oh.

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Monster Mankind Chapter 2

#2 of monster mankind getting used to his new house was something that took quite a while to get used to. after being dispatched from the hospital, he immediately returned to his household. was more or less of being teleported to his house.

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Out of Water - Part VII

During my family's journeying throughout felldew, a lot of other anima have told our son the same things about mankind." "and what would those same things be, may i ask?" "well, yer've been on the road for eight years, ivan, sir.

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Past me, the Present: Jump!

Even though being ... having been ... overshadowed in a cold war in heaven for many millennia, mankind lived ... will live ... its golden age amongst the stars.


Dragon Dust

mankind once greatly outnumbered dragonkind but after a scant few years the dragons tipped the scales and were cemented as a rising and indomitable world power.

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La Cucaracha

We took leave of mankind's petty jealousies and we took to our own wisdom."
