The Revolution

From moscow, russia. pavlov: dark black russian blue cat. ruler of the western nato members (us and canada). from st. petersburg, russia. support- calayana: marshal's wife. white siamese. from indonesian island. preacher: orange american shortail.


Anna's Story

"he was as he claimed to be; vasili komaroff, someone that back home had been given the nickname of the wolf of moscow. had i known, i would have never allowed our relationship to bloom.

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Found in Translation

#2 of trouble in moscow an enthusiastic american and an angry russian strike a deal to have a conversation. **two** with his elbowssupporting his weight on the bar, he asked for a water and stood watching thecrowd.

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The Finland Express - Part 1 - Rendezvous In Murmansk

When it did, she was ready, and she boarded a flight for moscow before the new western-friendly government could send the security services after her. in moscow, she found that she was persona non grata, unwanted.

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K-495 chapter 5

I said, standing in the middle of the control compartment, the body's of the true traitors being cared away, "moscow, has abandoned us!"

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Petrograd Nights

Kolya felt strong and lean, he'd clearly been working hard at something since his departure for moscow, and she was so happy to see him after such a long time away.

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Gentlemen, Place Your Bets.

#3 of trouble in moscow from bad to worse; ivan velikofksy finds unscrupulous opponents meddling with already dismal odds. verushka, his mut, will not have an easy first match.

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Chapter three

" state university." he answered eventually. "i studied philosophy for two years before getting conscripted." "really? moscow state? my daughter is studying there now." all seven soldiers looked surprised. "your daughter?

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The Werewolf of Odessa - Chapter 1 - To Russia, With Love

Tell me now and you will go to moscow intact. refuse and risk losing the use of one or two minor appendages." "you're bluffing vasy. moscow doesn't like damaged goods. i was just along on that raid as a guest.

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Relatively Free (Starring Vasily)

A bus was waiting to take him back to moscow... but what then? and who arranged his release? he didn't trust the situation at all. and there were other concerns that he should deal with as well.

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