Kaijuu Daikessen
polaris cried, "she should be too cold to move! what has happened!?" "don't you see, dr. polaris?" kazuya replied triumphantly, "that was just round one. and surtra _never_loses round two!" _snag!!!
Expedition 1910
The polaris will surly be able to crush even the toughest ice on the sea! i was greeted by captain ross himself as soon as i arrived at port.
Bugging Out (4/10)
While they didn't suspect it to be a hoax the polaris wasn't just going to risk landing on a planet with a corrosive environment just because a bunch of miners might be over reacting about something.
08: That Other Sister
The stallion charged the powerful unicorn and at the last second turned around and released a powerful kick, causing her father polaris to disappear in a cloud of smoke.
Life the Universe Everything and a Wedding
polaris twinstar and ms. alexis glenning cordially invite you to attend their joyous union.
Green is in the Holly
Kyle and josh stood by zach, polaris and arctus stood by me and our parents waited for their turn off to the side.
12: That Visitor
She knew that she wouldn't know who it was from unless she opened it to read the letter, and for a brief moment she worried that it was another letter from polaris.
Taste Tests - Chapter 1
The only bar in polaris to get a cold brew on a hot day: vicente and nymlus - vices and tonics, as the sign read. it was painted beautifully, befitting the expense my partner had paid.
Sirius, the Shining Star (Remastered)
polaris, the north star and younger brother to sirius, was the first to approach the depressed starchild. he asked why he shone so dimly, only to be met with silence. polaris asked yet again why he shone so dimly, only to be met with silence once more.
Chatting with his Ex (Ratchet & Clank fic)
Nefarious' biobliterator, and they had some sort of off-and-on relationship up until he went to polaris." "guess there's a lot of differences between our dimensions."
31. Dead-End
Since i'll be in canterlot i'll see if i can dig up anything on this polaris character, and with rainbow dash in the central hub she can reach out to almost all of equestria with her weather teams." twilight put on a half-hearted smile.
Rexville 33: The Flight
They could really use some upgrade, but most of polaris' planes are new a320s and a321s, so they are just fine and comfortable." "i see..."