Same Size Killer, Hatred

He wanted to see that dirty evil childish oversized macro scum suffer in pain and die slowly, and choke on his own blood. he then saw a female macro who was doing the same thing, but worse.


After the war: An escape

"filthy fuckin' scum! that's what he was! filthy scum!" spyro said at cynder, she was absolutely terrified. spyro too was scared but he wanted nothing more than to comfort cynder. torch went over to spyro and grabbed his head again. "then there's you!

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WestWood 5

No way would nathan ever let something like that happen to her, and if it did, he would make sure that scum bag would never be able to get a hard on again. "sad story that is."

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Dungeons & Adders CH11

Then, caught between the two groups, the verminous scum would be completely decimated. "except me, right?", kassa had asked, earning him a few hard kicks to the bollocks from a couple of the does.

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Seth's dedication

The rat in the cell i just walked away from muttered "fucking fox scum.". i railed over to his cell, "you are out tomorrow is that correct you piece of filth?"

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The kinky Roo and the catboy so eager

The scum was just so thick at the ends, it concealed the large holes on the bottoms, while completely covering his toes, & fusing them all together as one.

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TSB chapter 9

"because they need protecting from evil scum like you!" sirblood roared back defiently as he started to circle. "let me at them and i will see that your exile is removed." the general said with an evil sneer. "never you foul scum!"

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Intoned, Temptation

scum and fool. some once saw sacrosanctum in study. and futures paved by pages. discipline defined _all_ destiny. now, a joke. a chore. for teacher and for student. boring and odious; instead a battlefield atop ideals dead.

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The Demon Warden, ch 4

"i have no use for you after this, svelk scum. this will be your last moments. you have no chance against me. your body can't take the size of my dick, let alone the weight of my balls.

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Vignette - interrogation

Unless you talk, scale-scum. now... why don't you take a seat, lil' miss" the bear said, throwing lindy into a chair opposite lewis and strapping her in place.

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Princess and the Dragon 9

I beg your pardon... scum of the earth is something you can deal with, but pozers were the biggest scum, which preached that you should give up your soul, your essence to become one with other scum, they united the people who were stupid and lead by scum who

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