Nuka, the Tragedy
"bring me back my weapon," she muttered and turned, stalking towards the rows of termite mounds on the horizon with single-minded focus. kovu's training began now.
Kovu's Lesson
"darn it you little termite! you messed up my shot!" "relax, i'll get it for you." kovu insisted, walking by his brother. finding the stone he swiftly leaned down and mimic'd his brother's pose.
The Lady Who Would be Queen
The huge old mansion remanded unsold, especially after the extensive termite infestation was discovered, all attempts to exterminate them failing.
Daddy Knows Best
With the irritance of the termites, heat, and kovu alike, nuka seemed to lose any restraint he'd had. "you nasty, insufferable little brat!"
The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 1
Fortunately, due to years of termites' hard labor, the tree was hollowed out, i hid in there. i soon learned though, that my fortune, like my luck, also had a time limit to it.
Playing Shaman - Part 1
Having escaped her baby-sitters again, she rushed to the scruffy looking dark cub as he slunk around the big rocks and old termite mounds on the edge of the pride lands.
Jumbe and Sala Chapter 4 Regret
In his haste to get out, he'd run into a desert like area, not much in the way of anything, save for a few abandoned termite mounds. slowly, he headed towards one, paws scraping a hole in the side as he plopped down on his belly.
The Master's Hotel
Having seen termite mounds when he was younger, neal knew the signs and this only caused him more anger. "how did these bastards even get open?!"
Pleasures of War
You always gotta take the best one, don't you termite!" nuka bellowed. "silence, nuka! be thankful i let you take anything!" zira scolded. "yes, mother." he complied. "come on, termite. if we're gonna do this, you can't be on top of her like this."
Populating the Galaxy.
The brax - a interstellar race of insectoids of unknown origin, resembling bipedal wetas or ants, and posses a very similar social structure to that of termites, with each member divided into casts and ruled over by several breeding queens, or "matriarchs"
"or termite." they laughed. "did he really bring a pair of termites?" fox asked. "imagine them trying to abstain while we're afloat." raccoon giggled. fox yawned, and looked around the small, narrow cabin.
Predscape Travel Blog - Kee
As our food arrives, the chitenous lady sitting at the other side of the table pauses in her story. Due to our difference in scale, she was seated upon a miniature stool on the tabletop, with a smaller table in front of her. As varied as our scale is,...