Deep Thunder
For my friend emberwolf deep thunder although the spring had been cold and rainy, summer in ottawa was shaping up nicely.
Lucky Thunder
Lucky thunder by: deviousdeviant a large group of cheering fans stood around a large trailer. a long red carpet stretching out infront of the trailer.
Thunder #16
~thunder the next three days leading to the weekend basically confirmed my fears that gina's parents had been correct in discouraging her dreams of becoming a grand prix rider.
Breaking Thunder
The Thundering of Hooves
The hoard of zebra's poured into the chasm with thundering hooves, each stamp into the dusty earth being a closing threat to the lioness, sprinting furiously down the narrow path to try and rescue her friend that had also been tricked by some of his own pack
Thunder the Champion
thunder blinked. "w-what?" "what's your name? what do we call you?" thunder's head was blank for a moment. "thunder," the wolf replied. "well then. looks like thunder is in the lead. let's hear it for thunder, ladies and gentlemen!"
Thunder #17
The rift was strange, and I realized almost immediately that something was very wrong. Instead of being thin and etherial, the rift itself felt almost solid, and I felt as if I was myself a vapor. I knew that Farhain was still with me; I could...
Black Thunder
Wiping sweat from his forehead and heard the thunder behind him.
Little Wings of the Storm
This cyclone's power completely threw me; whenever i recollect the winds and the lightning and the rumbling thunder, it returns me, in my mind.
Red VS Green! Storm Forth, Red-Eyes Black Dragon!
"draw," thunder announced.
Secrets Origin Of Anthropology
_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Characters © their respective owners, I don't own these characters. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ **Secrets Origin Of Anthropology** ...
The Misfortunes of Wilykit
_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Characters © their respective owners, I don't own these characters. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ **The Misfortunes of...