Dragon Storm: Chapter 37: Kill or be Killed: Panic in Fur Dreams City!
tia explained. "that's their way of letting us know that they are playing for keeps now, tia." wade stated. "charge!" tia shouted and dashed into the fray. "hey!" wade said and followed.
The Tutor
Tear down my reason,_ "tia," he stammered, ignorant of his complete nudity but for the glistening condom hanging from his swiftly softening cock. "tia, i -" "you_had_ to."
Rose League School Pt. 2: Changes and Chaos
tia episki's belly rumbles. "it's impossible to think on an empty stomach, after all, and the cafeteria is as good a place to talk as any. i can't think when i'm hungry..." looking around, tia shrugs.
Exile: Fearless
Rising to his feet, isaac looked up to see tia approach. now he'd be lying if he didn't admit tia wasn't beautiful, maybe even 'perfect,' when she was naked. but tia was a very rare gem, because she looked even more stunning clothed.
Collared for Him
"and now you're mine, tia," he growled, chest lifting from her back as he pushed himself up. tia swallowed, forcing out the words through the fog of emotion sullying her mind and trapping speech in her throat.
California Otters - On set with Trick and Dolphin (Part 4)
tia said. 'tia, i'd like you to meet kia.' trick said. 'kia, this is tia. and this is lottie.' he looked at her. 'kia's not my boyfriend. what he said was just a little tongue in cheek.
The Windsar Adventures Part 7: Meeting Yvette/Darkness Unveiled
tia smirked at this.
The first love – Part Two
tia loves me and if we go then we go together. - i'm in. - i smiled. - my love. - looked to tia. - then let's go! - she looked back to me. - my love. - and smiled. i was in heaven. end.
Forbidden Love
''it's okay, tia'' tia was a nickname he used for me when we were younger. ''you just wanted to know how it went, that's all'' he finished. ''i know you'll find someone soon enough, brother! '' ''i'm not sure, tia.
Lizards Live as Lizards Lie
tia humored him a bit before she pulled him back to the seat and patted his stomach. "what's so funny?" i asked. "oh, tia's being silly," basil said after catching his wind. "it's a perfectly fine idea," tia said.
Claws out
Nara looked at tia, but the boy was already at the table. the sneaky runt! how fast he was when food was involved. "don't pick!" tia yelped, retracting his hand from nara's slap. "i'll see these divided equally." "why you?" tia barked. "always you!"