Silly Humans, Card Games are for Foxes-- Chapter 1 (Revised)

"now i synchro summon mist wurm, his effect lets me send 3 cards on your side of the field back to your hand." and with that the canine's field was cleared out.

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Digimon - New Generation - Kapitel III Die DigiWelt

Kunemon: kunemon level: rookie/child typus: virus art: larven-digimon gruppe: natiure spirits atttacke: elletric therad (verschießt einen lähmenden elektrofaden), posion ride (sticht gegner mit giftigen stachel) kunemon ähnelt einem wurm

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Name Game

"the old wurm must have passed on." erent felt a claw on her muzzle and then she was staring into the drake's yellow eyes.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 1.3 Bannihar

During the fourth night off of the highway jules identified a lone wurm scouring the countryside a good distance away but it soon moved on after the party snuffed the campfire and and fell silent.

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Das Leben der Gladiatoren

„du jämmerlicher wurm! du hast keine chance. gib lieber gleich auf und wirf dich selber den tieren zum fraß vor.", brüllte der muskulöse pferdemensch dem kleineren entgegen.

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The Wurm King (PT 4)

#4 of the wurm king an adventurer named auren is taken captive by a band of kobolds bandits and must learn to live like a kobold. auren awoke that morning bright and refreshed he had enjoyed his first day in more than a week that he could sleep in.

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The Wurm King (PT 3)

#3 of the wurm king an adventurer named auren is taken captive by a band of kobolds bandits and must learn to live like a kobold. as all ways feedback is appreciated. i will try to post a new part of this story every week on wednesday or friday.

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Pet or Freedom Kapitel 3 - Xan und Metrarius

"ja jaule nur du wurm, ich werde dir lehren mich zu hintergehn, ich werde dich ordentlich vergewaltigen."

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A Long Way From Home - Darkmoor pt 1

A sand wurm. with horrified fascination the dragon watched a pair of bulges slide their way down the creature's bulk, joining together before disappearing below the ground. for an eternity of a moment all was still.

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Die Legende des silbernen Drachen 27

Und da du der einzige bist der sich mir in den weg stellen wird habe ich leichtes spiel mit einem wurm wie dir. du wirst sehen." „diese herausforderung nehme ich liebend gerne an. wann und wo?" „in der baronie im norden ist eine alte verlassene burg.

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Roll of Fate (8): Dual Memories

The wurms words came back, haunting me but with little effect. memories...they would only help to prepare his grave and all other people that lived in the world, even if i succeeded. that i promised.

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Of Gryphons

Thelekiin paused for a moment and started speaking in low wurm. "i can sense the magic covering you, a powerful disguise to make you less dragon-like?" "your low wurm is pretty good.", the hybrid replied politely in kind while nodding.

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