Diapered weeken - Short
He began to cry softly as archer came around the corner, noticing the soaked husky cub, archer lifted him up and carried him to the bathroom, soon brutus was stripped naked and and behind lowered into a warm bubble bath.
Carnal 007: Romantic night in
She put the bubble bath into the water and smelt the strong smell of strawberries as the bubbles started to froth. after a few minutes, she turned the water off and began to undress and her ritual began.
Spike, The Possessed Emu: Story 2 Part 1
After spike had left her apartment, selene finally got to take that bubble bath she wanted to. she took a sip of her coffee, closed her eyes, and thought about what had just happened. what was wrong about spike? what was different about him?
Jolt grabbed a towel out of the closet and walked upstairs and opened the bathroom door and sat the towel on the toilet seat trying not to look at his sister in the tub now full of bubbles with the strong scent of bubble bath soap in the air."
The Island Girl
"a permanent bubble bath in the middle of the jungle, just for you. how lucky." he said as he did the same to her. he noticed that wherever she rubbed the foam, his fur became brighter and softer almost immediately.
Winter Writes
After listening to my favourite record while having a nice bubble-bath and a cup of soothing jasmine tea, i decided to write to him.
Choose Your Adventure! The Story of Fluffy.
You get up and paw at the bath faucets, then paw at the lavender bubble bath. your master chuckles and nods, turning the taps as he lets the water fill the the tub, shaking the bubble bath in as well. "i see fluffy actually wants a bath today, huh?".
Cody's Swimming Lesson Part 2: a C.O.W boys of Moo Mesa Fanfic
As soon as they got home, cody immediately went upstairs to take a warm bubble bath to clean the remaining algae off his body. he took off his jeans then climbed into the water. he sat in the tub scrubbing the smell off his body.
A Puddle of Mud's More Trouble than It's Worth
Holding the fox with one arm, she began to run a bath in the voluminous tub, filling the water with pink bubble bath. andlat stared down at the bubbly pink water, a floral scent rising from it.
A Mother's Comfort ( Part II)
She then put bubbles in it to give her a bubble bath. nala had fun while sarafina cleaned her and soon sarafina told her, "okay, time to get back in mommy's tummy sweetie."nala was soon dried off and followed her mother to the bed.
Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 7
'i'd better get my bath' he said with an embarrassed look, reaching over to stroke blue's head slowly between the ears before making his way over to the bathroom and hopping in the tub, fixing up a warm coconut scented bubble bath which he happily soaked in
A Mother's Comfort ( Part II)
She then put bubbles in it to give her a bubble bath. nala had fun while sarafina cleaned her and soon sarafina told her, "okay, time to get back in mommy's tummy sweetie." nala was soon dried off and followed her mother to the bed.