Soul Stalkers - 05

Shattered control crashed them all to the ground in a heap of master and slaves. as the spell was sated by the expulsion of lust, they settled... unable to move... unable to think... bodies depleted... passions consumed...

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Background story for unused character Halyna - Rough draft

A year went by and soon master and slave became lovers. alcmene no longer despised her demon, she loved him with all her heart and he claimed so as well. so it was great excitement that at the end of this year she announced she carried his child.

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Chapter two: In which plans are revealed

"no matter what your laws say, and no matter how badly you may wish to fool yourself, we are nothing but master and slave, and nothing will ever change that."

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Chapter 4 - The Grandmaster of Sarthas

Lost for the moment, the fox almost stood and began to follow him, but remembered her meal and returned to eating it as bianca smiled at the patience of both master and slave.

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The Harem Girl

For a moment, she could almost forget that they were master and slave. the feel of his soft fur against her smooth scales was so comforting. her breathing steadied. without meaning to, she fell asleep. \*\*\* myria woke in the pre-dawn darkness.

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A New Bird Toy

It wouldn't be the last, either; there was something about the intimacy of hypnosis and the way that master and slave worked that there was always some sort of attachment afterwards.

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From Slave to Queen - Chapter 3 - True submission

This, was the seal of the unspoken contract between master and slave. soon, he breaks that meaningful kiss, a string of salvia staying connected inbetween both sets of lips before dissolving. "now, my beautiful girl.

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Goddess of the Throne: Named Master

She had heard of the fetish before, a sexual relationship between a master and slave. well, that was what it boiled down to in most cases. "i've owned many cute girls and boys, dear.

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Office Stress Part 4: Relieve The Stress

The master-and-slave tension they'd held seemed to be broken, inhibitions lifted between the both of them as each let the other touch them.

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Not as master and slave, or owner and property, but united lovers. fiancés awaiting their freedom...together.

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Slave to a Sadist: Taking and Giving

Southstar's toes grazed the sandstone floor, barely able to gain purchase. He dangled, arms raised, from a heavy hook in the center of his Master's chamber. Rope intricately wove around and between his arms, binding them together tightly enough to make...

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The Dragon's Servant

"you two have been anointed in the temple, and you two are now recognized as a very gay master and slave pair."

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