Bored Meeting

Think of a joke that's been done to death since the stone age, like 'why did the chicken cross the road?' or flatulence. neither of those are funny at all because the human race has endured them as long as we've been around! the joke is dead.

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Bored Meeting

Think of a joke that's been done to death since the stone age, like 'why did the chicken cross the road?' or flatulence. neither of those are funny at all because the human race has endured them as long as we've been around! the joke is dead.

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Universe of Conflict- Chapter Four

"ok, we know your off-duty today, but we have something important that we need you to do; the ship is traveling to a very green planet right now that is home to a another race of human beings that are way behind in technology, we are talking stone age technology

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Gyro Feather Might Be a Speciesist Prick

He'd originally been invited here to receive an award but apparently his recognition doesn't extended to all of these stone age hellions who'd set someone's tail on fire for politely asking for directions to the ceremony to crown him the most rancorous puss-hound

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Selective Sight 1

Something must have happened long ago to reduce them from a spacefaring civilisation to a stone age equivalent. whatever that was, the man hoped to discover the answers. fortunately, his journey down the dark tunnel came to an end.

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Second Sight: Chapter Thirteen: Sarra

People even claimed that humans had inhabited earth way back to the stone age. the only evidence of them was the whole monkeys and apes theory, saying that they had evolved from humans. i didn't believe all of that stuff, though.

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Ours is a violent people, with conflict reaching all the way back to the stone age. greed and envy, wrath and intolerance, prejudice and racism, any cause was a just cause for bloodshed.

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The adventure begins

The pokegear already has my number pre loaded into it and i don't think i have to tell you to be careful with all this on the far as things go the people here are in the stone age and you're now in the modern age so i suggest you leave the island

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Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 11

This was also the kind of cave you learned about in high school history class when they tried to teach you all about the origins of modern anthropomorphs and the birth of the stone age, but you were too busy passing love notes to cassandra miller in hopes

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 7)

There were a few stone circles left in the area; i remember going to a lecture at the amblehead civic centre that had said that the amble valley was once an important cultic centre in the stone age.

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Food Chain: Bitch, I Eat people!

The best we can make is stone age weapons." hector responded, "and we don't even have a shaman, so we can't coat them in poisons without some trial and error." he added. i leered at him as he said that, though not directly to his face.

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The Dream That Turned Real - The Canine Underworld - Part 8

If i still remember my history correctly, we are currently living life like it was back in the stone ages." "how so?" gorn asked. "gornak, look at your house; you built it out of stone.

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