Old Alliances: Chapter 2
They wasted no time and began their ascent to the tallest volcano in the red scar, for a dragon's ego would only allow him to sit upon the highest perch in the land.
The ascent made her calm, just knowing that it was very unlikely to be discovered by one of the shrouded figures put her mind at ease.
The Fate of the First Flame
Original post on fa: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/23559067/ gene began the slow harrowing ascent up the lengthy staircase with the beastly serpent not too far behind.
Field Work
Clyde cursed as though frustration alone could fuel his ascent. if only the cougar could care for the beauty around him - and what beauty it was!
The Dogs: Not Exactly Night - Preface
The descent - or perhaps ascent?
I waited and waited, until just before nap time before i began my ascent. climbing to the top of the tallest structure i didn't bother going inside. the playpen's biggest bosses were having a meeting, but they weren't my targets.
Last Flight of the Kithrasain
"zero degree ascent." he ordered as the corvette began turning into their path, "ten degrees to port.
an endless voyage ch 44
One by one the ships accelerated down xian pow constructed runways, and began their ascent.
I sheathed my sword and turned back to the tall tower of stone to make my ascent back to the outside, out of this gigantic space. then, it grabbed me by the leg. what was it?
Zombiology - Orca
The orca began to slowly circle the rising zombie, tracking its ascent with its echo location. finally, the zombie resurfaced, bobbing in the water like a buoy.
A Wild Night
Though short in length and quick in ascent, a feline's orgasm lacked the same finality as other species suffered.
A Wild Night
Though short in length and quick in ascent, a feline's orgasm lacked the same finality as other species suffered.