The Gift of Time
Warning to any and all, my writing may not be up to its usual standards for a little while, but I will be trying to keep it good. What else to add..? Oh! This Chapter is going to be really really short, I also make a promise. If there's no icky...
An unexpected find
#4 of night's journey \*demon pops back into the room where he started from, and quietly rereads his stories for a few minutes. he chuckles, then places them down upon a nearby desk.
The darkness within
\*demon gets hauled backwards by an unseen force, and the door shuts and locks\*
The First Trial
^-^ demon,
The Beginning
Shard - 2 Pieces, however small make a Whole
Thanks for reading [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) love demon
Shard - 1 The shattered piece of a Whole
[[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) love demon
Warning, this story contains (will contain) the following. Beastiality, pregnancy, sex during pregnancy, sex during birth, lactation, sex, gay sex, lesbian sex, orgies, group sex, never before seen sex acts (yes that's acts, plural), so much cum you'll...
I just wanted it to end to have finally conquered the demons inside me. i heard a familiar gentle voice, "are you ready?" i only gave her a nod and then i followedher out the door andtookmy seat in the car.
"hey, it ain't every day the devil meets someone too mothafuckin' bad for hell, eh?" reis thought about chuckling, but whatever sound escaped his throat must have gotten lost in his large nose somewhere.
demons my ass, thought hal. the only demon here is one demon horse beside me. still, he ruminated, if this is my demon, there are worse ones. we all have our demons; not all of them are funny,cheeky, unrepentant sex crazed young stallions.
They call me a demon. what is a demon?" lewis gulped feeling shame for his actions when the stranger arrived" a demon is a servant of the devil. they are winged beasts that harvest the souls of the unfaithful and evil."