A Honyed Problem
The rattata hopped off her belly and hesitated, then dashed out of the cave to get her help.
Lunch and a Show
rattata are on the menu for a nickit and vulpix couple.
Pokebrothel 8
"it's wrong, i won't," the rattata objected again. the raichu picked her up and tossed her across the room. "let me remind you that it isn't your choice to make," emp wate reminded. she walked over to stacey and pinned the rattata down using her tail.
Work Relief
They were told that the rattata was fresh from college. they knew very well that guys his age usually came from school acted as if they knew better than their elders.
PV: Eevee
It didn't help that the hunger you felt for most of the day was gone thanks to the foolish rattata diving straight into your muzzle. feeling full was all you could ask for and you might even eat a rattata every day if it meant being well fed.
PMD a Rescue gone Wrong
Walking over to the rattata. after regaining consciousness he's frightened and tries to claw free.
Pokebrothel 5
"i always keep my claws nice and smooth," crystal said as she started finger fucking the rattata rectally. she took her other hand and did the same on her pussy.
Misty fulfills a fantasy - pokemorph
rattata gets up on the bed and starts licking her wet pussy. bulbasaur starts rubbing her nipples harder and rattata starts focusing on her clit.
Modern Times in Durik: All Of The Rodents
The rattata would begin looking around frantically. the typhlosion would also walk up and tower over the rattata. "i think the real question is " **_why are you here?
Journey of an Outcast - Part 3
rattata screamed. cubone swung her bone and hit the sweet spot on the ice sphere. the sphere spun against the bone for a moment before flying off in the opposite direction towards rattata. "ahhhhh!" the ice ball slammed into rattatas face.
Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 6
Hakuzo suddenly notices that miles was gone, and spots him stalking after a rattata that was carrying a pokeball in his mouth. hakuzo watches for a second as miles silently follows the rattata, then he quickly calls out pidgey to attack the abra.
Pokebrothel 21
The rattata looked up at the door and then back to brian. "come with me?" she muttered, hoping that he could somehow stop the madness. he shook his head. "sorry, but i can't.