We Didn't Start The Fire (for Rydia)
Mlapecaf, join my cult, weirdo squad, rage and hurt jawline boi, finger a cat, (glad you didn't forget that) that's what she said, brenna rose, don't ever let go of those chey deacs, fever dreams, tomato guns on the attack we didn't start the fire it
Ander's Zombies Ch 4
Grandma dalmatian answered the phone on the fourth ring--she was out back picking the tomatoes she grew herself.
Special Cheesy Pizza
There he placed it down and headed back to where the bowl of tomato sauce was and picked it up as his fingers left marks on the outside of the glass itself, smearing the tomato paste about as he settled the bowl down onto the stool and then stood there
Chapter IV: The Silver Birds
Now he just looked determined, stressed, and covered in tomato. "you're having a tomato war out there?" arthur giggled and shrugged his shoulders. "you can say that!" cinnie grunted, surprised that he almost found the question _fun_.
Tales from Silicon City 4: Rump Roast
She lamented sourly, balefully glaring at the fat fox dressed in black boots, tomato red stretch pants, and a "pasta yellow" chef jacket.
Strangers After All: Part V
He shrugged, poking a tomato here, another there, "i work all day, going about like crazy, always on my feet, and carrying heavy trays.
Episode 001: Comes the Thunder - part 4
He saw one doberman, the same guy that threw the tomato on penny. bernie narrowed his eyes at him, and threw the ball in his direction.
The Tale of Teàrlach Part 3
When the first tomato hit teàrlach, he knew the crowd would turn into a riot. he'd seen this happen before when his lords had visited the village.
Sweet Revenge part 3
Yeah but they destroyed every thing i owned so....all i got left is a bunch of tomato soup. by this time the trunk was empty and everything packed up. hey can you help put a splint on my leg marcus asked.
Silver Tongue
"tomatoes. pleaaaase," nerai moaned pathetically, holding out his claw over the chair's arm. "i'm starving. i'm a starving demon." "fuck off. get your own tomatoes," niya said. kazimir frowned.
Sunrise: Prologue
#1 of sunrise in a dim corner of a mostly-deserted diner, a lynx sat alone, staring contemplatively at the candle on her table and sipping at the last of her spiced tomato juice.
Stage Left - Chapter One
Sighing, shaking his head, he placed a dozen tomatoes into a paper bag, the bag in his basket then moved on to his next stop, just a little way further on.