On Winds High
In which a human is rescued from an unpleasant fall and then gets to know his rescuer better. (7400 words) **on winds high** _2010 gren drake_ naliak stretched out along the forward observation dock, his forelegs before him, hind legs out to his side,
Icy Winds
#3 of vaporeon icy winds. sandy had gone back to the customise shop later with crystal to get her a customised ball as well. she took the time to get her a mystic water for her and was greeted like a hero when she got to the counter.
Winding down
Rita walked into her apartment and tossed her jacket onto the kitchen countertop. She flopped onto her couch and propped up her body with the seat back. Runt closed the door behind them and, having nowhere else to sit, lay down on the couch with Rita...
The Stranger in the Winds
The wind was kicking up the sand, creating a vicious sandstorm. yet there was a traveler walking towards the desert nation's capital of darune. he traveled alone with no packs.
Swining in the Wind
The wolf walked off with his tail relaxed and lowered, swinging with the wind.
Journey of the Wind
Seas whistling through the dead lands under bridges, through the trees following the roadways skimming water, trailing fires wandering the heartlands going where my heart desires i flow across eternity a bewinged, beribboned band a wind-born
Second Wind
DISCLAIMER: This contains M/M, with anal. If your under 18, (or 21 depending on where you are), good job on hiding what your doing but still, get out enjoy "Thunder, I really don't think this is necessary" Frost complained as the wolf met him...
Solar Winds
Solaris carried Mimi through the crowded streets. Anyone unfortunate enough to so much as graze her footpaw got knocked through a wall. He was REALLY not in the mood for anything right now. He managed to find her home by scent, and walked up to the...
This WInding Path
And this was how this winding path we set foot on brought us closer than friends.
Winding down
Hugging his boyfriend close and cooing comfortingly under his breath as he led the still softly sniffling tiger up the stairs, Mike entered Rio's room and paused to grab a fresh diaper and the wipes before helping the feline to lay down on his back. ...
Scents in The Wind
Tom didn't have much to do on a Sunday afternoon. His friends and fellow Sanctuary inhabitants were all busy somehow, his boyfriend offline for some time, and he wasn't in the mood to play any games. He didn't even have the inspiration to write...
desert winds
He sat, the flap partly open, waiting. the desert wind blew its mournful song, rustling and whispering over the dunes. he sat motionless, as silent as the stones, until the moonlight at the tent flap was eclipsed by a slender shadow. it was her. their eyes