The Kolming of Longest Night

The leaves had fallen and the land had cooled. The Artini saw the days growing shorter and knew it was a sign from the gods. Soon would be the festival of the Kolming, a celebration of the longest night. The darkest part of the year, but also the one...

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03 - The Song of the Family

**Chapter 1** "Twins? Three billion people on this planet and you boys find twins to fall in love with? Do you realize how many decades it took me just to figure out which one of you was which?" Will whined. The twin leaning with his hands against...

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Much Needed Alterations

Dragon Breeding, Book 1 Much Needed Alterations John strolled slowly down the old street, he looked around at the old buildings that made up the historic town center of Hawk Grove, Texas. Like any other man of Texas he stood...

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02 - The Song of the Changeling

**Chapter 1** Derrick woke to feel a cold, wet nose pressing against the back of his neck. He smiled, realizing Will had shifted in the middle of the night. Not quite wolf or man he was a furry heap, legs draped across and pressing into Derrick's...

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Declaration of Dependence

It's all fairly tame - nothing too fetishy, except for - maybe - the group sex. "i'm fine. i can do it myself." the morning air in the airport parking lot had a bit of a nip to it.

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A Bar Crawl With a Difference

This story was written for Tala as part of my Patreon themed request day for March. This month's theme is "Getting Lucky", and contains sexual acts between multiple consenting adults of various genders. :3 **A Bar Crawl with a Difference** ...

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If you go down in the woods tonight

There are some people who when told not to do something, just have to do that something. Jay was such a person. So when his mother had warned him not to go into the Black Forest on a full moon his first instinct was to wait for the next full moon and...

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To the Stables

In the distant countryside, surrounded by lush expanses of grasses and plateaus, there lied a settlement that belonged to a powerful figure, Lord Brerth. He owned a large plot of land that stretched out in all directions and led something akin to a...

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Comission for -eskir- Becoming the Toy

What would have been the average noise of hips colliding with another had been replaced by the sound of squeaking, like someone rubbing their body against plastic. The wolf grunted and growled out as he humped into the ass of his new toy, the...

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The ATC Chapter 6

Hello all! Sorry for this taking so long to come out with...I wanted to do some different stories (this is last thanksgiving) and had planned on having a big huge release of lots of stories for Christmas...but all of the stories I wrote just didn't...

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Friends Over (by Salena)

_First off, I didn't write this! This is a gift story from Salena, who gets around as a few names. Salena is totally compyright to her, Cascade, Lysant, Fyreth, Thryst, and Hyrellia, and all associated Hyrellia gryphons and the like are totally my...

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"The Plant..." "Chapter 6: Homebound"

"The Plant..." Chapter 6: "Homebound" By: Insomniac Hart Authors Note: This chapter has a slow start, but if you've read my previous chapters, then you'll enjoy this one. Not sure if I'm gonna finish this here or not but... we will see where I go...

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