
The desperate duo were surprised at the feat of magick, for they had seen acts of magicks before but none so beautiful. rose petals scattered the air around them as the shack began transforming itself into a cozy cottage.

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Magick and Mystery - Chapter Two - Questions Asked

Turning his head to the side, he sneezed twice, before he settled himself comfortably and began studying this ancient tome of magickal lore.

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Anthro Sex Squad Story 2 - Winfred's Story; Chapter 13

She opened her soul and poured forth those comforting magicks she had learned, the ones that complimented eroticka so well. she could feel the tense ball of sorrow and energy that was winfred softening beneath her touch.

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Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Rising, kalais raised his own paws, his magick glowing from his paws, before tendrils of emerald swirled and ensnared raefox, blending and combining with blaze's magicks. "this is for your own good, young raefox - trust me..." kalais murmured.

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Betrayal of the Shadow Wood - Chapter Three

"as i have loved you, shall i grant this upon your head - leave - now - whilst the magicks you have brought to this wood, i still contain, for refuse - shall you unleash such as you have never imagined."

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The reluctant demon Pt1

She'd read about the returned in an old out of print advanced magick book. advanced magick... "oh my god!" she was so stupid sometimes! it had been right there on the computer screen clear as day. his name. warlock.

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Mages Apprentice - Prologue -

magick existed in the world, but only a handful of people could even dream of understanding it, even fewer - had the strength of will and understanding - to study it. for with magick, come a terrible curse.

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The resistance had been quick to form among the magick elite, and recruiting was swift and plentiful. but now...all the plotting had gone afoul.

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Chapter 45 - Breaking the Barrier

"well don't you use magick? don't those witch elders have magick to change that wind?" she suggested. ganondorf scoffed at this notion, "those witches wouldn't even know what to do with that much power even if they had it!

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Hunters Moon - Blood Moon -

Cassie wished that ely had been able to help her with magicks to help pelnak, alas, she had received only a small amount of training in the therian magicks.

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RedTails : The Sign Maker - Chapter 01 : Blue Morning, Red Bottom

The inevitable erotic lessons known as boink magick were an up and coming event that frelic had thought about frequently.

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Chapter 89 - The Gambit

Ganondorf thundered after him, letting loose another malignant blast of magick at his head.

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