Contraction is Key (A Poem 'bout a Wolf)
Contraction is KeyBy darkmaster03You're in the wrong bed, Mr. Wolf.You're smothering me with you immense bulk, as you pin me beneath your chest.Your eyes closed tight when you threw yourself onto me.Your breaths are deep grunts of prolonged awakening,...
Haunt Chapter 2: The Every Key
"that's just a key, thad," he said, "i know they don't usually look like much, but what does it do?" "it's not just any key! it's an every key!" exclaimed thad, "here, watch this."
And when I threw away the key...
\*\*\*Stupid Disclaimer Thingy\*\*\* Everything you see here, came from my brain. The characters, the scenery, the situations... Everything. Any coincidences like character similarities, name usages, or scenes are utterly just that. Coincidence....
Tails of a Switch 7 Cassie's Keys
Cassie reserves a room for the night at the Playground all for herself... and her friends Natasha and Maria. "Come on, hurry up, we have a present for you!" Natasha and I pulled Maria through the hall to the room I had set up....
Thursday Prompt - Key to his Heart
"you know what they say: the key to a man's heart is his stomach." she shook her head. "ah, that's not the true key to a guy's heart!" "then what is?" she reached into the pocket and pulled out an old fashioned iron key, holding it up for him to see.
Walls: Reboot 11 - The Lock and Key
Security keys, crew manifests, docking permits--all of it being exchanged, digitized and stored.
Howlr Diary: A Stranger and My Key
And thrad was the one who held the key.
NC 15: The Pervert Prince's Missing Key
He opened and closed his fist where the key was supposed to hang, then lifted his head from the pillow to see why he couldn't find it. the answer was simple. the key was missing.
Keys to the Mind Chapter 1: Jungle Lust
#1 of keys to the mind while searching for the next key hole, kairi is separated from her friends and forced to brave the jungle alone. however during her search, she finds herself being stalked by a seductive naga named kaa...
Keys to the Mind Chapter 2: Jungle Seduction
#2 of keys to the mind while searching for the next key hole, kairi is separated from her friends and forced to brave the jungle alone. however during her search, she finds herself being stalked by a seductive naga named kaa...
Howlr Diary: A Stranger and My Key, Final
Being truly at the hands of a key holder, with complete inaccessibility to my own cock. after all, that was why i surprised thrad with my chastity cage in the first place.
The Power of Love: Preparation is the Key To Success (Part I)
#6 of carthani **the power of love** **i â€" preparation is the key to success** [!