Late-Night Nudity
She grabbed at her loincloth, pulling it to the side, exposing her cock, her balls, everything that she had beneath it.
Bonds of Ownership
Sean looked up at him again with some confusion, again reaching down to the cheetah's loincloth. this time, the cheetah didn't push his hand away, and instead reached down and pulled the loincloth out to the side.
To Tame an Alpha: Part 4
Gard looked down to see ezhno's hand gripping his cock through his loincloth. he hadn't even noticed how hard he was through his anger, but now he could see the outline of his member clearly even through the tightness of his wrapped loincloth.
Vile Vermin - Part 1 - 2015
It was one solid mass that pushed his loincloth down to his under its weight until the loincloth sagged past his knees. when it finally stopped, after more than twelve inches of steady girth, some of the other hordebeasts cheered.
The Tribe - 4
He sat up and felt his loincloth suddenly pull away and heard snuffling and scampering noises.
Spoils of War
Before lifting the loincloth, the smell of dried piss hit japir hard. his master did not care to keep his clothes clean, using his loincloth to wash off any excess piss. as he opened it like a curtain, he was salivating again.
The Court of Khan
They filled out the back of the loincloth well enough, but - the human tossed the loincloth down, revealing his rump properly. nice, tanned, well-filled with muscle but still padded: it was quite a nice backside.
Alpha & Omega
"well, this loincloth has a family symbol on it and this means... oh my." "what is it?" the tall stag asked. "that loincloth means he is taking part in the rite." "what rite? some kind of wolf ritual?
FR06: Where are you sleeping tonight?
Hesitating only a second, the rat also kicked his loincloth off, his tail helping direct it to the same pile. he went to grab a clean jerkin and loincloth from his foot locker, popping it open and pausing at what he saw inside.
Tension Break
Maybe she had misheard it, but there was no denying the mountain hiding behind takk's loincloth.
King Ulf's Pet Foxes
"andrew, thomas, you can remove your loincloths if you want." the two boys pulled their loincloth off and tossed them to the side of the bed.
Expanded Training
He repeated slowly, eyes for some reason beyond his control remaining locked on the other's loincloth. "one i very much savour indeed," replied vac, his other hand slowly slipping up over his thigh to lift his loincloth up and to the side.