[$] Rainstorm's Charge - Chapter One

miranda nodded and headed to her closet to get pajamas. "goodnight, miranda. i'll be sleeping on the couch if you need anything." the dhole girl nodded again, still speechless.

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Fractured Families Draft 1 CH 22

miranda undid the chair's restraint. "miranda, hun?" jacoby called in an almost derisive tone. "there's four security officers waiting outside." she nodded as she pulled alex to his feet.

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A slurp of the chops and hefty belch later, and miranda was satisfied.

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Rain The Sitter - Ch.2

miranda looked up to see him up and atom, a semi defeated look in his eye while his cock began to spew a short load of cum down her throat once again.

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Fractured Families Draft 1 CH 17

"don't worry about it, vickie boy," miranda said. "i can find you the good stuff here. make you look all tough guy, unless you want to go for a different look?" "miranda," alex said, "stop it."

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Fractured Families Draft 1 CH 09

miranda asked. "i'm good." "how about something more defined? what's the best lock you've opened?" "dunno. never looked." "miranda. i've seen will open doors i'd programmed to stay closed.

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Cold As Lava

If only faye could have known that the same paw she was touching, has been covered in miranda's sweet juices just a couple of minutes before. faye at last resumed: 'pl-pleased to meet you, miranda.'

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Hard Times in The City

miranda half sobbed and half laughed, but nodded in understanding.

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Fractured Families Draft 1 CH 29

miranda barely had her mouth open when he fired. this close, he couldn't miss a center-of-torso shot. miranda leaned against the wall and slid down. "you killed her," tristan said, awe in his voice.

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 2

"life heart, this is miranda." "h-hello," life heart whispered. she managed to look miranda in the eyes and miranda smiled back at her. "do you need any help today?" miranda asked. life heart shook her head.

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