Friends Forever
The male pichu blushed and sniffed her area a bit before licking across her lips. she shuddered in delight.
Forever Legendary Ch.1 - The Legendary Celebi
"a-a pichu!?" the gallade exhaled in relief, "covered in mud and leaves? geez, i thought it was celebi!" "you might not be the first one..." kabutops sighed deeply, "... and in that case, we were led astray." "pii-chu pichu-u!" the pichu said.
Looking To The Stars: Episode 06 (Pokemon Trainer)
\*tosses it\* go pichu! pichu: \*jumps out of the pokéball then puts on a pair of goggles and ties a handkerchief around his neck\* pichu! pic pichu! all: ...... pichu: .... pichu? \*looks up at charizard\* ....
An American Tail; The Mystery Of The Pirates Treasure
pichu grunted a little, as fievel got all of his penis into pichu's ass. "pi, pichu, pichu is glowing, what does that mean?" "pichu is, he's evolving!" fievel wanted to pull out, but he didn't.
Chapter Six - Dallas Allies With bolt
Was i really a pichu then? i don't remember... "oh! i remember now! i was a pichu and you fed me those fruity worms in the woods!" i said as i perked my ears up, finding it difficult to do while i was laying down.
A Tale of Grass & Fire Chapter 5: The Labrynth
Grovyle and pichu were inside, having entered from a tear in the side.
The pichu grinned as she started climbing around, determined to find something of interest.
Siblings Fight and Siblings Play
#18 of age regression recently bluemoonkin decided he wanted to retool his pichu character nelly, at the same time i had been working on an anthro raichu character named gale.
Chapter Five - McDonald's!
"and i doubt paper is good for a pichu." "when i was a pichu, i was eating... well almost normally to tell the truth... i didn't start eating ravenously until i evolved and ate my trainer's obnoxious eevee...
Christopher's Journey in Johto, Chapter 3
Due to the zigzag pattern of the normal-type, pichu became confused before even getting close, leaving it open for the zigzagoon to land a direct hit. pichu rolled back to chris's feet, lucas smirking the whole time. "come on pichu, quick attack."
Chapter Fifteen - Down Goes The Colony
"what if he eats one of our pichu?" "zeke is not the kind of mightyena that eats pichu..." i said as i looked at cammy. "zeke is a very playful mightyena. if anything, he'd watch over the pichu and make sure they don't get into trouble.
Christopher's Journey in Johto, Chapter 2
It bounced up, and rushed to pichu, aiming with it's tail. "pichu, quick attack!" chris called. pichu obliged, cartwheeling to the right, and, with the azurill still in mid-air, smacked into the side of it's body.