All Girls Team Chapter 1: A special trainer

Zoe then grabbed a few good sized sticks and burned off the outer layer off of them, fire-hardening them and then proceeded to gut the pidgeys.

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 16

The two pidgey then took off and flew back to their flock, a loose feather falling out of the pidgey's wings and floating gently to the ground. "why were you so shocked back there?" asked cream after they'd walked a couple of minutes in silence.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Pewter City and Mt Moon

The next pokemon i found was the fighting type mankey, "your up pidgey!" pidgey appeared ready to battle, "use wing attack!" pidgey flew directly toward mankey and whacked the mankey with it's wing, knocking it down in just one hit. "pokeball go!"

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"your turn now," said the pidgey replacing the nozzle. stacey slowly stepped forward. she turned around exposing her anus to the pidgey. the small smooth nozzle slid in with little resistance. after a short pause, the machine beeped and started pumping.

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choose your own erotic Pokemon adventure 3

The road to viridian in itself is quick and simple, mainly because brasa is too strong the pokemon in the route, so you decide to train dare and ali for a bit. nothing much really happened, you defeat a wild rattata here, a wild pidgey there, in fact the only

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A Boy and His Lucario Part 4

"lucario, it's just a pidgey, they don't even like to fight."

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Between Ordinary Birds

Would aaabaaajss be proud of what this former pidgey had accomplished, how far he had come? the time wherein i worried about such things had passed, though.

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The trip to Viridian City (pt 3)

And so the two started out on route 1, and walking through long grass they saw a pidgey. "charmander, use scratch!" charmander obeyed, then pidgey used gust. this went on for a few rounds until the pidgey fainted. "that was too easy, eh charmander?"

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Electric Touch: Chapter 11 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

And don't forget to order a bucket of birdseed for our little pidgey!" he said as he went off. "i'm not a little pidgey!!! you idiot!!!!" yelled pidgeot at him.

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Dark Growlithe - Prologue

\> \ answered growlithe, \ she took hold of a wing of the pidgey and bit it off with a crunch of breaking bones. \ said umbreon happily, seemingly oblivious to the rest of the world.

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The Perfect Pokemon Team (Chapter 2)

He dove headfirst into the pidgey and gripped its body tight. he rolled on the ground a bit as the pidgey struggled, getting himself even more dirty, before finally getting a good grip on it.

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