Funny Wasteland

A tired day, a weary night, raindrops. slashed by a violent motorcycle engine. i am disturbed. the fucking bastard, i think, and my serenity is now lost upon the existence of a violent motorcycle engine.

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Sugarcane (poetry)

I gazed on with jealousy at this spectacle i foundcoveting a lifestyle so alien to me where raindrops turn to mist in the canopyand the key to my heart is sugarcane 

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Is something Wrong?

Luzy was walking through the forest as she felt the raindrops fall. typical late evening weather... walking home with the rain falling didn't sound very appealing to her, so she took refuge under a tree, thinking about the other options she had.

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The Firbolg and his Cocksleeve (Commission)

raindrops and hurried footsteps rattled the wooden walkways as glimmer and her firbolg friend, brutus, raced through under cover of darkness.

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Martin and Maxi

The soft monotonous pitter-patter of raindrops on the panes did nothing to dampen the spirits of martin, the red-white husky, as he and his mate packed for their big trip. the trip had been planned for weeks and nothing was going to stop it now.

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Ander - Part 2: Subchapter 37

Those must be raindrops on his face. sarah stepped beneath the reaching branches, and it was as if the whole atmosphere suddenly changed. the raindrops became fewer, but larger, dripping down from the leaves above.

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Chapter Five - Brian Learns A Move

About ten minutes later, as we approached the house, a raindrop splattered upon my nose, and i placed my pants on the ground so i could paw at my nose. "we'd better hurry up..."

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Bird's Eye View

Whether the bracing chill of the heights, or racing raindrops to shelter. coastal waters offer the shimmering flash of scales. reedy grasses hide crafty prey. either domain, mine for the taking, shared with a select few. bird's eye view.


Guro Challenge #14: Self-Harm

He licked raindrops off his whiskers. dehydration was far harder, he knew that one firstpaw from life at sea. starvation would take far too long, and that reminded him of other possibilities; he had no wish to meet his end thanks to a larger predator.

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Sun and Rain

She reached up and touched the wet spot left on her cheek by the raindrop. momo's gaze shifted upwards, where she spotted the enormous cluster of dark clouds blotting out the sky entirely.

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City Sector Uplift part 6

Some of it was deflected by the airship's shield, but plenty of raindrops still pierced through and splattered against the metallic hull.

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