Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 28

senator koshuvala? why am i dreaming about someone named senator koshuvala? why do i know of someone by the name of senator koshuvala?

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His Wife

They sat, with cathy and reynolds at the end, and the senate, with senator dietrich muaser, the oldest of all the senators, and the most conservative, at the head of the rounded bench.

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My Life as A Kindred Chapter 2 part 2

"well.. weren't you listening i said i had always suspected that senator servius-" "when was he a senator?" asked amandus incredulously.

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Jayden, Chapter 9

The senator huffed, "not going to tell? well," jayden saw the arm that was in the drawer tighten, "yeh!!" the senator shouted as he pulled his hand out, a pistol in hand.

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Keep it in the family

And the image of senator wolfo dragged daisuke back to the start. the blue lion had considered before the idea of getting the old senator into his ranks, now that he had both father and son.

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Stripes and Chains 7 - Polotics

Indoril had been visiting the senator in his own office, much to the frustration of his fellow senators.

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Tales of Zootopia: Forraeder Falkland

They both moved onto a career in politics, with falkland going for a seat as a local senator for zootopia, and dawn wanting to be the mayor.


Chapter 29: Justice for Cerinia

The scene switched to a hallway inside the senate building where a reddish-grey wolf could be seen speaking with senator tawny. "senator, first of all, my condolences on the loss of your niece." "thank you, wolf." the feline senator replied.

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Identity: Chapter Fifty

While it was possible senator johnson might have conspired to relieve himself of a pesky lawyer, it was doubtful he would have encouraged the slaughter of a family. still though...

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I, Dacien -- Chapter 23 -- Confusion

The lines of authority in this so-called ambassadorial party are confused, with no less than three senators and an imperial emissary. the senators speak for the senate, the emissary for the emperor, but it's not clear who commands what.

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On Seven Hills...

He often thought that the corruption of the senate was a precedent for how mis-managed the government in italy was today.

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