Going Home p. 1-30

Ana loved his bedtime story. so he would say no or fail, and either way this unwanted interaction would be quickly over. except, no, he had underestimated the damn kid, and anatole had managed to go bedtime story-less every day for three whole weeks.

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A surprising end to babysitting

Then it became late and kit turned off all the lights in the apartment before going into molly's bedroom to read her a bedtime story. the light in molly's room were also turned off, there was only a dimly lit table lamp on her nightstand.

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Not So Different (Dragon hunter #2)

So consider this to be the children's bedtime stories." jake looks askance at the idea of telling the children why dragons aren't just beasts to be feared. "jake; why were fairy tales, tall tales, and nursery rhymes made?

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Heart of Winter: DnD Game Lore

In most cities he is merely a bedtime story to frighten children. the malevolent dream of a curious flower. said to plan, plot and conceive many of the worlds ills for an unknown purpose.


Blind leading the blind

Gone was the young pup that used to sit in linda's lap, listening to her read him bedtime stories or describing his favorite cartoons to her.

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Jack has a Thing For King

Still, seeing her sugary-sweet, innocent, chubby-cheeked, giggling, fluffy little bunny face poking out of her sleeping bag like a fuzzy little caterpillar in its cocoon while we told her bedtime stories was pretty much the cutest thing ever

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405 First Time Lunar Incision

But it's a grown-up sort of a bedtime story, and so i'm sure you won't mind if you have to come to my bed several days running to reach the climax." cleo's voice is beguiling, and she can see them beginning to listen intently.

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Chapter XVII: I Won't Shed A Tear

Two puppy bottles followed, with kaeden's name taped on them, as well as his favorite bedtime story - just in case he needed a touch of home to help get him through.

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Adventures of Two Minds

We the karrok where moving though the human city, yes they do exist outside of bedtime stories, of oblong. it is there i met what would come to be the pet of my dreams. i have this small problem. i love synan, or crystallized mana bobbles.

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A Hand Upon The Wheel

When she'd accepted the role of a dragonrider and taken swarten as her steed, it had been with the thought of becoming an avenging hero, like something out of the bedtime stories she'd once read to her children.

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stories razor meat axe butcher knife rope plate with holes justan smiles at you then blushes as he remembers you from the bathroom when he was caught playing around with

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Breaking Faith

"you said you would read me a bedtime story," she said, casting her eyes at the purple carpet on the floor. "i was waiting for you, daddy." she stared at the floor and waited for her daddy to yell at her for leaving her room. but it didn't come.

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