Inner Dilemma

John was a tall, but fairly skinny fox that ran cross-country in high school. he was the one who knew all of the exercises for each muscle group. he's not the incredibly huge meathead you see everyday at the gym, but he had quite the muscle tone.

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Motel Mind-Rinse

A dragon takes a break on his cross-country flight.commission for drekozar.if you'd like to read more like this before it gets posted publicly, head over to my patreon!

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Friends Old and New

It had been a little over twelve years since that fateful night that he and his mother had begun their cross-country odyssey. where his mother had ended up, chuck didn't know.

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Red Twilight: the avatar Awakend Chapter 4

Mac on the other-hand has walked around the world more than once, his head drops onto the glass looking down at the ground as they fly cross country, his eyes drift shut and ages past assault his resting mind.

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Twinks Across America: Ch. 35 - North Carolina

Besides, no average joe casually mentions that they're going cross country across america without having plenty of money on them." i laughed in agreement with his logic.

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Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Twenty

The night before, i was actually looking forward to taking a cross country trip on a big ol' bus. it was the kind of thing i'd always wanted to do back know...i was human.

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San Francisco morning

#4 of bridger cross country it's just the people that you meet when you're walking down the street. written 2014. "y'know, there's a problem with me going sightseeing with you." the squirrel held his tail and his temper as they sat in traffic.

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Up and

#3 of bridger cross country first morning on the road. off to a good start? written 2014. bridger stared at the unfamiliar ceiling, waiting until it was time to get up.

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San Francisco goodbye

#8 of bridger cross country safety is relative and so is the law. written 2015. bridger pushed through the door at the end of the hall and started down the stairs, trying to figure out how someone could be so jaded and so blind to their own hypocrisy.

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Pandora's Box 15: Heart of Gold

She was, as i had guessed, a partial-change furre, and though toned like a cross-country runner, her body below the neck was human. on her fingernails and toenails she wore copper-gold nail polish, and she wore a gold collar and earrings.

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Taking the Dirt Track

"i mean look at douglas, he's fit for sure but can't run sprints and hates cross country." "i'm just here to be social." the horse rumbled. "and check out the coach in the shower." lindsay added.

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Show Stallion's Reward

Even steam pranced a little higher, though he preferred cross-country to jumping. "those jumps were nothing!" the stallion boasted, pawing at the ground, his partner off to their own recovery while james would help with his.

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