Caring for Your Epic Mount 1 of 2

From what melodi could tell, three of them were equine, four were canine, and the remaining five were all either feline or human.

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Beyond Expectations 01 - Introductions

If we were canine, you might want to be careful eating with us at the korean place down the street, but..." the panther grinned wider, though a couple foxes and a jackal at a nearby table shot him a dirty look.

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Dream Job

The amazons look at each other in wonder when they hear this and start to wish they were canine instead of feline so they could more easily breed with the ranger.

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There were only a few scents on it and not all of them were canines such as her. she shivered. the light turning on had scared her, but it had also coincided with a sudden heat in her loins, an aching heat that needed to be quenched by a virile male.

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Splice: Conditioning - Chapter 1

But since some of them were canine-centric, the light quickly dawned. her beloved splice was a foot-man. he had never verbalized it, never even let on that his sexual side had this kind of perverted back alley.

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The Mad Mansion of Dr. Moreau: Game 3, Chapter 2

canine (three of them) katie could smell several scents of food, and of other people... including the strange scent of the person she'd smelled in her cage.

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There were eight other furries sitting in the place were canines, one a collie, the other some sort of dog/wolf mix, another was a dragon, there was a leopard and a lynx, a jackal, a horse which was obviously a clydesdale, and a small mouse girl at the back

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Chapter 4: First Day

He noticed most of them were canines or felines. however, in some cases it was a bit difficult to tell them apart. the only real differences in those were the length of their snouts and bushiness of their tails.

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Family Ties - Chapter One

Most of the males i have been with were canine too: wolves, foxes, domestics. there has been a little deviation, but diversity is the spice of life, no?

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Part Two: All Good Things...

By the shape of the armor and the helmets, i would have to guess they were canines, but i could be wrong. "hold on a minute, i was just seeing if there was anyone here." "we said be quiet! on you knees, now!"

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Caring for Your Epic Mount 2 of 2

From what melodi could tell, three of them were equine, four were canine, and the remaining five were all either feline or human.

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