Fishing for a bear part 1

His head was stuck under what looked like an engine ripped from a world war two tank, but judging from the wires sticking out of the thing, it was the generator.

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Winny - A Kaos Army story (Part4)

This was why anar drove the old world war two jeep for his daily transport. as he approached the warpway monitoring room, he saluted respectfully at the framed portrait of lance-corporal gritz.

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Best Frenemies

"a local world war two veteran, age ninety-nine, has raised millions for his community's medical costs on the north side," the cow announced, "after hearing how those around him were unable to make ends meet with hospital bills associated with the pandemic

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Heavy Metal Soup for the Soul- Chapter 1: Welcome Home

My great great great grandpa fought in the civil war, my great grandpa in world war one, my grandpa flew with the 'red tails' in world war two, and then my uncle who served in both desert storm and iraq, and my dad and older brother who fought in iraq too.

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Calm Between the Storms (A2,B3,C12)

"like, world war two age. i can't remember the class. essex or something. i wonder if it came from the ghost fleet!" "what the hell is a ghost fleet?" fox's voice came over the line. "mothballed ships that rust out in the middle of the pacific.

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She looked like she just walked out of world war two. her eyes matched the stripe on her tail. they were a deep purple. "fine, sphinx, but where is quin?"


Yo-kai Specs 2: Hanako-san: Out Of Order

"well, she's short, i think she wears blood on her clothes, and she apparently died during world war two." i answered. "i wouldn't call her prettier than you, but i guess she's cute for her size, more of in a 'adorable younger sister' way.

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Ragnarök Now! chp 2: The Ride and the Truth

\_\_\_\_\_audi murphy, most highly decorated soldier in world war two.

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Teaming Up (Act1, Book2, Chapter4)

"considering the fact that the next time she teleported wasn't until world war two, you're lucky she saved you from that blast." a pained grin tugged at the corner of nathan's aged mouth. "yeah, i nearly died twice.

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Lykos 2-01 - Dog Days of Summer

I am the second chance." she replied, looking to a picture on her desk of four generals from world war two. the picture was aged, faintly yellowed, but lovingly protected from the ravages of time. it had moved with her across the world.

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The Mouse That Roared

She was the only person on the planet who knew my secret and had told me about her brother who died in world war two who she had loved even though he loved the boy next door.

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Japanese Exchange

"is there a place where world war two soldiers get buried?" he asked. "i heard my grandpa was a japanese solider so he was buried here. i'm thinking maybe i my respects?"

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