Lucky!!! - Chapter 04
The Red Panda closes the notepad she had written this entire saga on, I mean it's her tragedy, but even she's self-aware that it's a well good story like. Maybe she'll get to publish it one day, dunno. She reclines on her computer seat as she glances...
When Your Crush Almost Crushes You
But his escape didn't last very long, because soon enough he got face to face with another threat, and this one was somehow even scarier than rarity's stomping hooves: a beetle. a black, horrible and large beetle.
Tora- Catch of the day
Surely this large beetle wasn't saying what they think he's saying. before either of them could ask if he was sure, the beetle held up a claw to stop them. "i'm sure of this. i will be back in the morning for a dual."
001 Sythkyllya
The beetles are quick but they overheat as the day warms and have to take shelter. the chameleons, conversely, become quicker as they warm, but should they take to the shade of the grasses to intercept the beetles, they will begin to cool.
Happy Valentine's
Asami tongue was infested with beetle larvae, so when she gave korra a rimshot it spread through her intestinals and burrowed its way across her anus and vagina.
The Thousand Year Sleep.
Had i been more alert, i would have noticed that the two beetles were not on the shuttle at all. but the stone had forced my gaze and lulled me into a strange calm.
Secret Desires part 3.txt
That was when this 3 year old girl brought callisto a ordinary beetle. what could we do with this simple creation of nature to end this show. as he let that beetle crawl all over his hand, he had that girl cup her hands together.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 6.3 - One Week Left
"yep," the beetle smiled with thumbs up, "just like granpappy taught me, best in issincho."
In the Pale Moonlight
"i would prefer a beetle," she said, feeling more hungry now. sounding a tad desperate. "a big beetle, small beetle, any kind of beetle." "um, i don't," the squirrel said, not knowing what else to say, "don't have any beetles."
The Gate of Qetesh (pt. 1)
Her footsteps made no sound on the wooden floor as she walked up to the tank holding the scarab beetle. as her hand dipped back into the tank to pick up the happily clicking beetle, she smiled a little and giggled to herself.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 4.2 - Suspect Contained
"our team name's just as stupid as theirs," said the beetle crossing his hairy arms.
Bee Stories 6
All the other beetles would pick on me for my size. it was just the culture of the time. everyone loved the largest, the shiniest, and those who could lift the most detritus. it was a simple life, and i enjoyed it for what it was.