Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Twenty-Seventh Entry

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Twenty-Seventh Entry By Gideon Kalve Jarvis **Vote Tallies** A - 4 B - 12 C - 10 Additional Votes: \* Skaeth challenges Rufus' leadership believing himself to be better and to know where the...

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Orc Milkings

"i have never heard of a construct that looked like you." the 'construct' tilted his robed head a bit. "well my master was rather eccentric.

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Floral Frolics 2

Tik Tik and Eshere follow the sweet fragrance that wafts from the deeper field. With each step, Tik Tik discards another piece of clothing, dropping her belt of supplies, including her precious journal with all her magical incantations. She treads with...

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Werewolf Fur Prologue A New Pack by

A soon as the moon was up a spine chilling howl echoed through the empty construction site. james was the only onsite worker who had arrived so far, so he was the only person around the whole construction site. "was that a wolf?"

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Syngeneia Kathairein part 27

She flies forward to get close to the construct in close combat, while you focus the siphon to full power and prepare to release it on the construct. \> you unleash dark siphon on the construct once it spots you.

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Dangerous Lunatics: Turning Point "Book 2"

construct looked a bit irritated as he answered the question.

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Guardians: UGSM Serenity

construction started in the year 2745.

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Kory and the Monkish Order

His tail thrashed behind the simulacrum, though it was blocked from view by the construct's body and its movements restrained by the construct's legs. "is the master having fun?"

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Walking a New Path

Her existence as an a.i. construct had certainly not hindered their friendship in any way.

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Change of Perspective Page 22

"we will be able to start construction on the dreadnought class ship soon at current rates of construction."

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The Khajiit and the Rubber Maiden

The construct may as well have been a wall, all she managed was to hurt herself before more arms unfurled from the main body of the construct. a cold clammy chill struck her right toes, then traced up her shin.

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Depths Of Winters Embrace - Chapter Two -

_this construct, he is an empty slate, his mind an empty vessel that desires filling. that which we do, so shall be given unto us threefold. you know this to be true.

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