Last Days of the VSC Steadfast III [Mini-Fic]
The sight of massive asteroid belts ringing its worlds, and the visible clouds of cosmic gasses were highlighted by the pale yellow star sitting at the center of it - casting a sickly haze over everything revolving around it.
Having a friend by - (Prose Addendum)
Soon his moon and my comet shall align, the stars will swoon at our cosmic sign, planetary lust shall our bodies define, uniting at last into love divine...
The Butchering And Release Of A Soul
The crippling agony of lonesomeness cuts at the soul like a peach, spraying its blood across the cosmic walls of despair. the soul tries to rebel against lonesomeness, but alas, it has a companion, judgment.
Emperor Damon
Once thought as a myth to his people after learning what happened to his people by scarlet sharp-claw an anthropomorphic tigress one of his creations, he now seeks bloody vengeance against the orcs.damon has 6 super powers lightning, fire, darkness, wind, cosmic
The Great Orchestra
The great cosmic noise that encircles me, shields me against the winds of lesser-thans, this great harmony of stars and dust that manipulates our bodies, letting our fingers learn, feeling the strings of a guitar slide beneath, or the keys of one
...And Everything
"we're still investigating the issue, but it seems our modeling software is vulnerable to cosmic rays, and the process attachments can on occasion lose connection. the estimated probability is one in forty thousand billion billion."
Virtual Duels Intro
This was the most novice cosmic spell on the market. i heard a gasp come from the audience at this realization. they didn't know how i learned about my opponents. no one did unless they fought me.
Of Lords and Lapdogs: Chapter 0 - What's that for, anyway?
It'd been some days since vaun arrived in the shadowlands, beleaguered and lost - not as a soul awaiting rebirth but as a mortal pulled into yet another cosmic conflict, in which he was but the tiniest cog.
Continuity Undisturbed
Everything tiny was being attracted to him, making him a scaly, sexy storage device for cosmic matter.
Winter Thunder
There's a cosmic law at stake, tonight, and i'd hate for it to fail on account of your drunkenness." "'cosmic law'?" the reindeer nodded. "besides, i only have about forty-five minutes left before i have to leave."
Cosmic Stars - Chapter Four
Tiriaq struggled to keep his heart rate steady but it always accelerated just before entering a battle. His ermine eyes watched out the back open hatch but the forest blur was only a blur of motion while his ship flew over it at high speeds. The...
Through A Glass Darkly - 4
They went on. The road had stretched forever, Whiffletree was sure, and the forest nearly as far. They would walk on worn black cobblestones until the universe died its final, cold death. Yet with each stride the road curved and climbed more, snaking...