I Had To Hope

In high school, you're no longer saved from ridicule and scorn by the fact that you're all so young and innocent.

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An endless voyage continued ch 11

In fact she made light of the situation lauging about er own flatulence as tom's handwork caused air to altarnatingly rush in and be expelled as he worked.

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Change in Venue- October

In chess the king is not powerful and is in fact among the weakest pieces offensively but the entirety of the game revolves around the king's role.

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The Trinket | Chapter Twenty-Four [Comm]

The fact that he was somehow special enough to activate ancient powers of an egyptian relic seemed somewhat absurd to him, but so was that fact that he had been given a diaper change by his calculus professor only a few weeks prior in front of his entire class

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Freakshow Fighting

In fact his nickname spawns from these abilities more out of fear than any modicum of respect. he grew strong in the mafia, a predator among predators and the fact he is now a member of the undead has increased this fear as few dare to cross him.

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When bark turns to bite- We have to do what?!

In fact it is one of the laws. thus they want to come by and check up on things to see if you are in fact my pet, which as you pointed out you are not." he sighed again looking down at his claws.

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To Judge The Cover

16) the concept of masculine virility, the fact that a roman citizen had to always be the strongest. 17) i'm sorry.

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Heroic Misadventures

Minerva leaned back, looking as smug and tickled as ever before answering as a matter of fact. "a blue dragon told me."

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Eggceptional Get Aways: Erakir

Judging by the fact he had just come out of an egg he was well... exactly 3.4 seconds old now. but what was he this time anyway? erakir looked down at his hands, seeing that he did in fact still possess hands.

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Evolution on Demand

Of course the fact that he also does endorsements for consumer goods doesn't hurt his reputation either.

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The Start of a New Breed

In fact, he finds himself hearing a steady dripping sound, that he soon realizes comes from his own prodigious output, draconic precum running down his length at an ample rate.

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After Jog Stretching

I ignored the obviously patronizing tone behind "little one" for the one fact that the phrase went straight to my cock along with the fact that i highly doubt his name was brian and probably something long and hard to pronounce my tail was

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