Fates Chosen 1- Fateful Meetings
Things never go right for me do they? I ask for something exciting to happen to my life and I get changed into an animal. And not just me, the whole world as well, not a single human being was left. Only humanoid animals. I bet you're wondering what...
Twisted Fates
_ **I am open for** _ [**_COMMISSIONS!_**](https://www.sofurry.com/view/717455)_ **If you want your own, personalized story,** _ [**_Click here _**](https://www.sofurry.com/view/717455) [**_Support me on Patreon_**](https://www.patreon.com/cheetahs)_...
A Fateful Meeting
It was a dark and stormy night; the sky flashed as lightning appeared casting the buildings in a blinding hue of white. Mordicai made his way down the street hoping to make it to the local bar before the weather decided to take an even worse turn and...
The Fate of Kex
And that was the fate of kex k'modo. the end.
A Demon's Fate
Astaroth was just feasting on a freshly-harvested human soul when she felt a strange tugging at the core of her being. It took her several moments to remember what it was - she was being summoned. The demoness couldn't help but feel surprised. No one...
Fateful Encounters!
#10 of pokemon story another chapter i've finally gotten to uploading ^^ i have quite a backlog so i'll try to upload more of people enjoy reading them fateful encounters!
Twisting Fate
I sobbed softly as I dragged the blade through my skin again for probably the hundredth time. I hated being alive, I hated myself, I hated everything. Eight months ago, my parents, my heavily religious bible thumping parents, found out I was gay, and a...
Laceration of Fate
And it seems that we are pushed back together incessantly by fate blocking all the exits. a plethora of potent feelings sweep my reptilian brain.
Fateful Decision
He had his head in his hands, his arms leaning against the bar's counter. It was horrible, almost too horrible to think about. He was all too conscious of the golden ring on his left hand, on the fourth finger. Sobbing for about half an hour at this...
Meeting Fate
Alrighty, so for those of you who haven't read my most recent journal, I decided that, for my five year anniversary on this site, I would do a rewrite of the first series I wrote, as a sort of 'what has changed in five years' sort of thing. I encourage...
Whip of Fate
**whip of fate** the cool breeze rushed over the water like a great eagle, sending goosebumps running all over the slippery body of a female anthro shark. she was sexy beyond belief.
Chance or Fate
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ chance or fate by jessica raisor their eyes met from across the room; green on brown and sparks flew.