side effects

They only had one quad player, ethan, he was an intimidating wolf but once you got to know him he was the chillest guy in the world. this was in part from smoking to much dope but he always handled his shit when he needed too.

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Teenage Hunger Part One - WIP

The lithe panther looked back and forth at the other furs in the quad area, deciding it was safe he continued on, "the only thing that doesn't bother me is this 'real jerky' my dad orders from another country.

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Ren Vs Vee (Not Quite a Commission)

Rather than slam the back of vee's head onto the mat, she merely placed it there, her power and momentum zapped by the quads constricting her trunk.

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Protecting the Line, Draft 1, CH 25

quad river otter, according to the plaque. "you ever wonder about the fact ever species on earth diverged from their quad equivalent about five hundred thousand years ago?"

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Roommates 14: Night Out

"we're here," kiyara said, walking into the quad, apparently. it was much like any other quad on campus, in that it was more or less square with four paths leading to it from the corners.

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The Academy - The First Day

We finished by running three times around the quad. the sun was now well above the horizon and i was dripping with sweat, as were the rest of my squad mates.

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Locker Room Tales - Chapter Two - Patrick and Penelope

Patrick blinked, then glanced around - waiting for some of his friends to leap out and surprise him, playing an epic practical joke - but the quad was mostly empty apart from late night students heading to their quarters.

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Mass Effect: One Krogan's Cure Pt.1

"well, i was just wondering if my cock and cum was so delicious, what my quads tasted like?" "oh yes, i need to find that out!"

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The Temple of Testosterone - 1

Zeke found himself enthralled by the sight of those quads. the singlet stretched a little down his thighs, but the huge teardrop shaped muscles were stretching the fabric to its limit. his quads were just so fucking thick and so fucking _muscular_!

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Mind Control Story: Krogan Control

His cock was starting to descend, his quad hanging a bit lower than before. the humans chuckled, and he worried that perhaps he was hung too small to pass inspection.

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Satisfied Customer

Near building sized quads rubbed against each other, his cock caught right in the middle as it casually spilled pre cum into the streets.

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_he squealed, reaching down to clamp his hands onto spike's quads. "like hell you are before me!" the bigger dog snarled.

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