So close Yet So far -page 3

so i had to kill him in public so the town would get the message. no problem, this was an easy job, just don't get seen is the only thing. but that isn't a problem if your far away in a buildings window.

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So close Yet So far -Page 2

Derrek couldn't hurt a fly so how could he eat a cow? or a fish? he smiled "i will be upstairs, don't choke." he giggled. i smirked "i wont i won't!" i watched him bound gracefully out of the room, and gods... he sure does have a nice butt.

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So close Yet So far - Page 1

I exclaimed "i was so bored! i thought you would never be home..." "well i am now," he smiled "so you don't have to worry anymore." i smiled, he was just so handsome. i was the luckiest cat furry in the world.

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Es kam mal so mal so 3.0

Es war einfach nur geil und so schön so etwas mal zu erfahren. frank und sim standen kurz vorm kommen ich und gasolin waren aber noch nicht so weit und ich stöpselte gasolin aus mir aus und wir gingen ins wasser um weiter zu machen.

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Desperate in Traffic 2 - So Wrong, but So Right

Even so, this felt so wrong, yet so right. wrong because he was fucking his best friend, and yet right because he was fucking. however, those feelings quickly went away when he realized how much fun nieve was having.

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Not So Sore Losers

"we were so close too!" "no. no we weren't," jay smiled. "but we lasted longer than i thought we would. so there's that." the wolf gave a small stretch as he stood up.

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It's Not So Cold in Coldharbour

'they're so cold... why are you so cold...?' bloodies knew it was a pointless question to ask, but for the last few moments he held onto the fantasy that it was just a horrible dream.

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Finnick's Not-So-Secret

It was a beautiful day in Zootopia. The kind of day that was best enjoyed in the park or with a cone of ice cream in your paw. But for Nick Wilde it was the perfect day to clean out the van, something he had been meaning to do for some time. Finnick...

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It's Just So Immersive!

I'm so small i..."his words were cut off by those teeth spreading open as the broad tongue grabbed his form.

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Not So Grand Start

#1 of not so grand **so this is my attempt at somewhat in depth book, i don't do grammar great and can't really convey my attentions accurately much so i usually get a lot of criticism and rude remarks but i still like doing this sort of thing** =======

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Not So Home Alone

A young otter, newly come of adulthood, is home alone and oh so very bored - so he decides to 'rent' himself a birthday present, one that comes with exceptional ways to relieve a submissive young male otter's boredom...

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